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Affection was something Dan's mother barely ever showed him. At the moment both of them stood in front of the place that Dan would be spending monthes in, a hospital. His mother didn't show any form of gratidue when He had told her he wanted to get better. Her face showed nothing bur regret, she was probably regretting ever having Dan, though he let himself show no emotion.

Dan remembered yesterday, He had gone to Phil's house and spent the whole day together. He had told Phil he was going to get better, for himself, I am going to get better, were Dan's exact words. Phil responded with a smile while hugging him so much he felt as if he was going to melt.

When they were lying down on Phil's bed they had cuddled. Then Phil had moved closer to dan and interwined there hands together, this is what happiness felt like he thought. It had been a while since Dan had felt this way. He was starting to feel real happiness all thanks to himself and the one other person that had stayed next to his side even at his worse, that person was Phil.

The next thing that happened was something he could never forget. Phil placed his hand on Dan's cheek and then moved his fingers onto Dan's pink lips. Blood rushed into his cheeks making his once tan skin a color of rosy pink.

"Dan" Phil said, looking straight at him. Blue vibrant eyes looking into hazel brown ones. Dan didn't say anything to him since He knew what he meant and so he nodded.

And then Phil placed his lips onto Dan's. It was cliche but it felt like magic, the way his lips connected with his. Dan moved in for a stronger kiss at this point and they held it as a long, slow kiss, building passion between them.  Soon Dan's hands were tugging on Phil's hair as Phil's hands were on Dan's waist.

The moment felt like a million years but the thing is both of them never wanted to let go. After twenty minutes of making out there lips were swollen and their hearts were full of love for one another.

"You're going to get better " Phil said kissing onto Dan's template as they soon fell asleep. Phils arms on his waist
and Dan's thoughts about anything were gone, He hadn't thought much
about his weight or what he looked like when he was with phil. He felt normal like a person who didn't have an eating disorder. Phil made him feel special.

i'm going to miss him, Dan thought while recalling the events that had just occured the day before. Soon he began to feel tears form on the ends of his eyes. He quickly wiped them off with the ends of his sleeves. His mother didn't notice as she was already making her way inside.

Once Dan was inside he gazed his eyes around the place. Everything was plain. The walls were all shades of dull and gloomy colors. There were also various hallways that led to unknown rooms.

Dan mentally sighed, He was going to be stuck in this place for who knows how long all for one thing. I mean wanting help should count for something right? Dan did want help but he hated knowing that everyone thought (or at least he thought) he wouldn't get better in just a few months.

Being stuck in a place with people like you should give you sone kind of you're not alone feeling right? Yet its not like that it's different. Everyone here has an issue with themselves, Everyone is vulnerable, Everyone just wants to get out of a place like this. How could you not? When they take away all your coping mechanisms.

"Daniel" A bitter sounding voice called his name causing him to turn around. He then stood there facing a doctor or a person who looked like the one. The lady wore white scrubs and a doctor suit or however you call that, She just gave off that doctor appeal.

"Yes?" He replied with a croaked voice due to the amount of crying and screaming he had done this morning when he woke up.

"I'm Dr. Case"


"Let me show you the room you'll be in for the period of time you're here" She said with a small reassuring smile.

Dan didn't smile back. He did follow her lead and headed to his room. His "room" would most likely be shared with some stranger which caused him frown even more. A stranger that has problems like you, how is that supposed to help? Its not like you're going to bond over being in a hospital program for ed, Why would anyone do that.

"And we're here, you're new room" Dr. Case spoke as she pointed at the plain room that had two beds, plain walls and one cabinet which seemed to contain nothing. Wow, home sweet home. Before Dan thought of anything else he turned towards her and asked a question.

"Am I sharing this room with anyone?" please say no he thought as he looked at her waiting for a response.

"No" yes thank you he thought till she spoke again "Well for now you'll be one your own but when someone else arrives they'll be sharing it with you" of course everything doesn't go my way.

"Alright thanks"

"You're mom will bring your stuff once she's done talking to your therapist and signing those papers" She said walking towards the door "I'll be right back" and Dan just nodded.

He laid in the bed looking straight at the ceiling. He wished he could talk to phil. He wished he wasn't here. He wished he was somewhere other than here. Yet what we wish for seems to never come true.

"Dan" He looked from the cornor of his eye and it was his mother. He stood up and walked towards her.

"Here" She replied handing him his suitcase which contained his clothes and other personal objects that were allowed.

"Thanks" he replied.

"Get better, okay?" yea because you telling me to get better is totally going to make me 'get better' he thought.

"I'll try"

"Don't try, Get better this isn't a game you have an issue just get better okay?" She shouted.

"I know it's not a game, Does it look like being here make me happy? I'm not if you haven't realized and I haven't been for the past two years" He shouted back.

She didn't reply instead she looked at him bewildered, As if she never knew that her son wasn't happy.

"You're my son I want you to get better, I care about you" She said looking at her son straight into his eyes.

Dan felt like his heart was pounding. His mother had never, ever told him that she even seemed to care about him. So you could only imagine how much happiness and sadness he felt all in a moment. The only thing he could do was hug his mom. For once things we're coming around. For once Dan was trying to get better and he was going to get better, At least he was going to try to.

i'll edit this later,
Also question: do you want another chapter like the overall ending or do you want a few more chapters of dan being in the hospital and then the ending ?

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