Track #10 The proposal

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Track #10

The proposal

I can't believe I been stuck on top of this chair for the last four hours. "Grrrh." The tiger growled at me as I cried in terror. The cat-devil had rushed to the door as soon as I arrived. I guess Drew hadn't arrived home since his cub looked particularly disappointed at my sight.

"Bloody cat." I sighed exhausted, it wasn't that the tiger was terrifying but I had witnessed the accident of Roy on discovery channel. And let me tell you it was not pretty. He could be small but I'm pretty sure he had some sharp and deadly teeth behind those whiskers. The tiger stopped growling at for a second, he titled his head to the sode and stared at me with his big blue eyes. My eyes narrowed, "Even with the puppy-eyed look I still don't trust you," I stated.

The cub raced back to Drew's room and I raced down the chair, I was ready to leave when suddenly I heard another growl. I turned around to face a very angry tiger, as I approached to the door the growls grew stronger and louder.

"You don't want me to leave? I won't leave but don't kill me!" I cried as I distanced myself from the only exit. I looked at the tiger curiosily, he had this big ass teddy bear aside from him. He started playing bites with the poor teddy. He was slapping and jumping at the stuffed animal. Suddenly, the huge teddy bear fall upon him, he growled angrily as he stood up.

I took the opportunity to rush over the door, and as I touched the knob the tiger growled. I opened it when I was stopped by the cries of the tiger. I turned around just to see the cub eyes begging me to stay. Unvoluntarily a wave of cuteness broke inside me. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I walked toward the cub and he immediately stood up. He started running over my direction and I took a step back. I fell on my butt by slipping with the carpet, the cat jumped at me. His fluffly fur against my skin tickled, the tiger started brushing his head against my legs as if he was getting ready to sleep.

My hand accidentally touched lightly his fur, he purred at my movement. Slowly and softly I caressed his orange fur, it was a really nice feeling. I could see his tiny little leg moving in exciment. "So this is what you wanted?" I said as I took the liberty to tickle him. I swear it looked as if he had responded with a smile to the tickles. Abuprtly he moved away and stood up in his two feet, he opened up his arm. For a split second, it looked as if he wanted a hug.

He aimed at my belly and growled playfully. "You are such a smart kitty," I said giving in to his charms, "Does that mean old Drew not give you enough attention?" I said in a baby like voice as I pushed his cheeks together.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice interrupt me. I jumped out and York rushed toward Nicolas.

"Hey," I smiled pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Why are you always here?" Nicolas asked opening the fridge as York pulled his jeans with his teeth.

"Because someone needs to water his plants and feed his 'pet'," I said standing up, I frowned. "Where's Drew?" I needed to tell Drew about Miriam, she called me last night. Her rash by gone by now and great news! She was getting married! Which meant she didn't need the work anymore.

Nicolas turned around and faced with a smirk, "How old are you?"

"How about you answer my question?" I asked disliking his attitude.

"Relax kid, I'm just asking." He said taking a sip of a Heineken, "He was busy working in the studio with the next song, lyric girl."

"Why can't you any of you call me by my proper name?" I asked frowning, not really mad but confused, "I'm Danielle, not plant girl, lyric girl or beef."

I got Nicolas to laugh at that one, "I think lyric girl is way better than plant girl." he winked and I rolled my eyes, "You should think of new lyrics for our newest song." He said wiggling his eyebrows and taking a sip directly from the orange carton.

"It's not that easy!" I sang as I covered the plant in a water.

"Well you should start working at it," He sang mocking me. "Does Drew have his guitar here?"

"No idea, it has got to be in his room," I said arranging a few leafs in the plants. A few seconds later, Nicolas came back with Drew's guitar. "I'm not a poetry machine," I said noticing fully Nicolas's intentions. "I suck at this, besides I'm not doing it. I just helped because you seemed in extreme need."

He rolled his eyes, "Just listen to it, it's really cool." He sat in the couch and immediately he touched the strings. The sound of the guitar at the beginning was really cool and it made me wish to listen to the notes in a electric guitar.

"Wow," I said as he fasten his hands against his guitar. He seemed deeply into his song, his hair jumped out and he bite his sleep as the guitar solo came. It was incredible the dedication of this guys their music, I really admired their talent. Music was something so wonderful, I felt the rythm taking over my body. The song ended and Nicolas had a smirk smeared across his mouth.

"What's going on here?" My heart stopped at the sound of the voice. My head turned to 180º degrees, Drew had his eyebrows raised and he looked shocked.

"Just showing her off the song," Nicolas said placing the guitar carefully to the side.

"Drew," I said as I brought my hair behind my hair. I felt unsure of telling him the news, a part of me knew this meant not seeing Drew again or as often, and somehow it bother me. "We need to talk."

"What's wrong?" He frowned, I sighed heavily and tried my best to let the words come out.

"Miriam, her rash is gone and she no longer needs the job." I said and Drew just nodded.

Drew approached to me, "I know what do." He said shaking my shoulders, "Danielle! Would you like to. become my official plant girl and be part of Six Gasp?"

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