Track #3 Hopelessy devoted

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Track #3

Hopelessy devoted

"Six Gasp! Six Gasp!" The Melrose stadium was crowed with at least half of the town's teenager population. Historical Fact: The arena was named after our dearest third mayor: Kenned Melrose, a fair man according to the official New Valley history books. "Six Gasp! Six Gasp!"

The stadium was outdoors, it wasn't much but it seemed to be the perfect place for a hipster video. The stage was small, instruments all over the ground, people where going in and out testing the sound. "Oh my god," Clairen screamed, "This is so exciting! I love them so much!"

"Clairen, why don't scream any louder?" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes "It's Six Gasp! How can I stop screaming? When this ends you'll be screaming just like me!" There was this gigantic poster in the background with the letters 'In between the queen' color yellow and white.

"Clair - ." Suddenly the lights faded away and all I could see was the spotlight located on main microphone. For a moment it was all shriek, until a voice finally broke it off.

"Lay where you're laying." Everything went wild after that, including Clairen. A soft chuckle echoed in the air, a really manly ha - ha.

"Just listen to that sexy voice!" Clairen screamed hysterically sounding like a parrot being murder. Everyone began to stare and comment; shut up already! I'm trying to listen! or Get her out!

I felt a bit threaten the by the stares and words, "Clairen, it's time for you to shut up," I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Leave me alone." She pushed me away and she began to scream louder, I felt my cheeks turning pink as people tried to shut her up.

"Hello," what looked to be the lead singer spoke, "We are Six Gasp," (scream) "And we are very excited to play here for the what is it?" He turned around toward his band, which seemed to be discussing the answer. "For the fourth year in a row," (cheer) "It has become like a family tradition," (scream-cheer) "Coming this time the year and sing in this amazing stage with you," (scream) "Guys!" People claimed Six Gasp, He smiled again and began to arrange his guitar strings while he advance toward the microphone, almost kissing it.

"And yeah," he hold the note softly, all that could be heard was his perfect singing voice, "This sex is on fire." Immediately after that, the drums began to play loudly, people shouted realizing which song was. He incorporated the guitar and chuckled to his band the crowd's reaction. It surprised me not to see the usual boy band singing, it surprised me that this was a band, a group of musicians whom played instruments. I wasn't expecting this ... what the heck was happening?

"Consumed with what is transpired," People sang along. "Soft lips are open! Them knuckles are pale, feels like you're dying, you're dying ... " He sang and he sounded, though I hate to admit, good, they sounded really good. "Yeah, this sex is on fire."

I didn't cheer, I didn't move or scream because I felt so hypocrite. I was actually enjoying their songs! Ugh, what bothered me was my pride, to admit that Clairen was right. The bass sounded great, the beat was so catchy and god, it was like the mixture of the best alternative band ever.

"Oh don't, don't, get up!" he sang as he did this mini jump that made my heart jump. "Cause I'm through," He said approaching the microphone while playing his guitar, "Sit me down." He said it with the most amazing pitched voice that would immediatly melt you. I was such a bipolar, how could this band I hadn't even met capture my musical heart so easily? "Shut me up, I'll calm down and I'll get along with you," He winked.

I was, now, hopelessly devoted to six gasp.

Quick note! I don't own any of this songs I'm quoting, I decided to use 'Rock Of Ages' idea. Use the songs that I like the most for my story...AGAIN AND IMPORTANT I don't own me. I hope you enjoyed!

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