Track #14 Dinning With The Addams Family

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Track #14

Dinning With The Addams Family

"Hi," I could see Irene and Amy activating their flirty mode. Brenda, Janis and Diana couldn't believe their eyes when Drew walked to the table. Paul's mouth was hanging wide open and Tommy was just pissing himself. Even the kids were immobilize.

"Hi," I said giving them a death glare hurrying them to act normal. The room was so silent I was freaking out. As I approached my chair, Drew pulled out my chair. I could hear my sister's 'awws' choirs, including my mom.

"Thank you," I said flushing furiously.

Drew took the seat besides me. Oh great. Now how was I suppose to eat in peace? What if something got stuck on my teeth or my inner pig unleashes and - . Oh my god, I'm freaking out.

"So where are you from Drew?" Brenda asked trying to relax the atmosphere.

"I was born in California but we had to move here," Drew smiled as my mom handed us our plates.

"I hope you enjoy, it's my special chicken soup." My mom said wiggling her eyebrows, if I had been Drew I would be out by now. I mean she looked like the evil witch from Snow White, just waiting for Drew to eat the poison apple.

"Are you all citizens of New Valley?" He asked curiously.

"I was born in a bus, does that count me out?" Axel asked and we all bursted into laughter, even I, who was all nervous.

"Sorry?" Drew asked confused.

"Yes honey. The bus was still inside New Valley limits," She said patting his head.

"Most of us are adopted so," Janis said chuckling, "we all have a heck of delivery stories."

"You are all adopted?" Drew asked shocked, "I mean, nothing against it, just pretty surprised."

"Janis, Angus, and Irene are the only real Stossel's bloodlines." I said as I reached out for the smash potatoes. Drew's eyes were locked at me.

"You are adopted too?" He asked surprise, if his shocked face was adorable I had no synonymous for this one. I bite my lip trying to hold back my 'you're gorgeous' comments.

"Yeah," I said smiling. For a moment Drew's green eyes were buried at me, I felt a bit uncomfortable so I was the one to break it off. "What?" I asked trying to understand why he was looking at me.

"Nothing," He said turning away.  

 "That reminds me," Tommy said and I could feel a bunch of embarrassing Danielle tales coming up.

"Tom!" I hissed trying to prevent my public humiliation.

"Remember how much Danielle cried over her name when we were younger?" Irene broke and everyone bursted into laughter.

"Of course we do. You see Danielle hates her name," Brenda tried to explain and Drew frowned.

"Why?" He asked turning towards me.

"My mom added us some kind of middle name when she adopted us. For example; Jason Kurt Stossel." I said pointing out at Kurt. "Almost all of my brothers were named after some famous rockstar. It just pissed me off that I was stuck with the common american name."

"Danielle, you should had seen the looks the adopting services gave me when pronounced the name 'Joan'." My mom tried to excuse herself and I just rolled my eyes. I liked Joan, it was unique, it was Joan Jetts for god's sake.

"Danielle at least we weren't named after dad's disco divas." Brenda said trying to cheer me up. I could hear the choir of 'hey" from Donna, Irene, Amy.

"Let's not forget Anni-Frid," Janis sang and we all nodded.

"I told your dad; you dare to put that name to one of our children and she shall be scar for life."

"Oh my god, does anyone remember when Danielle razor her eyebrows?" Donna shouted changing topic completely.

"How does this even relate with what mom said?" I shouted angrily.

"I think I got a photo somewhere," Mom said as everyone cheered on for it, they wanted to find it and show it to Drew. Those horrible bastards, as if Drew hadn't thought I was weird enough. Now they wanted to show some chubby horrifying nine years old with only one left eyebrow and bleeding face.

"Remember that time when Danielle was buried in cow's poop last year?" Axl screamed bursting into this annoying giggle.

"Oh my god yeah, her vans were gone by the time we got her out." Amy said disguted, "She smelled like that for like four weeks."

"Oh I got another one, remember when we were in this family reunion in Aunt Mary's house and Danielle fall into the pool fuly dressed?" They went on and on revealing my most embarrassing moments all dinner long. I tried to poison myself with Irene's horrible sweet potato sauce but I didn't accomplish anything at all. Drew was laughing his ass off during each and everysingle one of them.

"When she tripped in the shower while cleaning it!"

"Okay, okay, okay." I said tired of all the humiliation, "That's enough for today. It's time for Drew to leave." I said as I rose from my chair, he looked up to me and nodded.

"Thank you so much for the supper, Mrs. Stossel. It was delicious," He said as he waved my family goodbye. I sighed exhausted and I opened the door for Drew.

"Sorry for the whole Addams' family."

He frowned and chuckled, "What are you saying, your stories were the best part of it. I nearly chocked with the soup when they said you shower tripped."

I face palmed myself and just shook my head, "I'm the most embarrasing human being alive."

"I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow right?" He stated more than ask but I nodded.

"Sure, good luck tomorrow." I said as I closed the front door.


As I headed upstairs, I could see everyone had finally calmed down. I opened my door and Brenda was there, she was using her laptop. "Was he the reason you were crying yesterday?" She said taking her eaplugs off. Her question was pretty forward, there was no way to avoid it. "Just be careful, Dan." She said putting her earplugs back. Just like that, Brenda's eyes were locked to her computer. I wondered why she hadn't gave me some kind of speech or ask more about it. I guess she knew how uncomfortable I was talking about it.

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