Track #4 Welcome to the annual pee-in-your-pants games.

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Track #4

Welcome to the annual pee-in-your-pants games.

"Still with the rash?" I asked with the phone buried into my ear, I tried to fit everything in one hand so I didn't had to go back to my car. "Yeah." I said attentively to her instructions, "Aha but quick question!" I said a little desperate, "You just want me to enter like that?" I paused to listen to her response. "Why do I ask?" I said feeling my cheeks slightly pink. "Well, I feel like an intruder. I know It's just watering plants and feeding the pet but - . Yeah I'll do that, could you just - ." Miriam hanged up, great! I was stuck in front of a building apartment with a key to a room of a total stranger. I placed my phone inside of my purse, gave myself a little inspirational speech and entered the structure.

"Hi," I waved at the doorman. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button numbered 12. The edifice had this twenty-first-century design, very nice if I may add. I opened the door and inside it was a mixture of brown colors that matched the brick-walls of contrasting hazel tones. The sofa was just aside from the kitchen, The kitchen's dark chocolate cabinets varied with the silver tools there were not doors in this apartment but this stairs that leaded to the owner's room, probably. I looked at the living room amazed by the gigantic plasma and Bose speakers.

"Freaking rich dude," I murmured, I laid my purse and scarf on the couch very carefully feeling like I could press some secret button and set rocket off. I was now on the kitchen opening several cabinets looking for the water can. I inspected the kitchen and noticed the distinct lack of fish and/or turtle food, but my short-term memory quickly deleted this fact from my mind and picked up the tune of "darling".

When giving water to the plants I began humming happily. There was a plant strangely placed near the ceiling and I frowned. How the heck was I suppose to get it? I had to look for a ladder in the laundry room. I noticed myself beginning to feel more at ease as I walked around the whole house.

To my surprise, the apartment owner was a man, or at least the boxers on the floor said so. "What in the world?" I said with my eyes locked at the boxers that laid on the floor. "Nasty," I walked out of there in no time as the underwear penetrated the whole laundry room.

I had finally reached over the plants and was carefully watering the plants when all of the sudden I jumped out as I heard a loud and husky 'grr'. "What the heck was that?" I asked myself and I heard it again. "Oh no, oh no! Please let it be a Chihuahua, please let it be a Chihuahua," I prayed.

Now, I was not an animal hater, in fact, I liked dogs. I liked the small ones like in The Lady and the Tramp, see, I liked lady. The ones I didn't like were dogs that roamed the streets and barked to whoever crossed their path as if you were a cat.

"I have to get the heck out of here," I said stepping carefully off the ladder trying not to make a sound.


I turned around, my heart almost stopped. It was a fucking tiger. A freaking tiger was standing infront of me. I could see him standing there in full attack mode and I climbed back up the ladder for my life. This was definitely not a chihuahua, this was a cannibal threatening me with his growls.

"God, God, God!" I said doing little jumps right on the ladder, "GO, shuuuush!" I begged. "No, no, no, no!" I screamed as the thing tried to come closer. "Keep away from me!" I cried. "Nice tiger! Nice-sharp-teethed-tiger." A single thought went inside my head which was; I'm gonna die. I screamed as the beast knocked me out of the stepladder and the water fell all over the place, including my clothes. I landed right on my butt and it hurt like hell.

"Ah, ah, ah," I screamed coming face-to-face with the slobbering jaws of the tiger. "Please," I begged. The animal was on top of me showing me his sharp teeth, some of his saliva fell upon my face and all I could do was scream. "Please make it a quick death," I thought as the animal was ready to bite me.

"York -. Who the heck are you?"

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