Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts(7)

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Hailey's P.O.V

I was pushing through the crowd looking for someone I knew but I didn't know almost any of these people.

When I got to the bar (the kitchen) someone ran into me with a bottle of vodka.

"Want some pretty lady?" He said swaying back and forth slightly

"Yeah." I nodded and he grabbed some shot glasses from the counter

He started pouring some in the small cups as I was taking shots back to back.

"Heyy babe. You gotta calm down on those shots." He smirked and I took my last shot then put them down.

I didn't think I had a lot but I was still feeling a little tipsy.

"My names Harry." He smirked, holding onto the kitchen counter to steady himself

Harry as in one direction? Pshhh. I bet you not!

I giggled slightly and said,


"Hailey as in your names Hailey orrrr?" He said

"That's my name." I roles my eyes

"I know, I was joking." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Calm down babe. It was a joke." He said

"Babe?" I asked

"What? You don't like it." He said and I shrugged

This is such an awkward convo....

"Sooo I'm gonna um go." I said and he quickly grabbed my hand

"Uhh. Can i have your phone number?" He asked more nervous then before and I nodded as he got his phone out his pocket and handed it to me.

I put in my number then put my name as 'Hailey' and then handed him his phone back.

"A crown?" He asked

"Yeah. Why not?" I asked smiling and he laughed

"Ok queen. I'll see you later on the dance floor then?"

"Sure." I laughed walking away.

I pushed my way through the crowd of sweaty teens until someone grabbed my waist.

I wasn't thinking so I just started grinding... the person wanted to dance right?

I turned around and saw Luke then noticed he was laughing...


"Ohhh... Heyyy." I said awkwardly, blush creeping up on my face as his hands kept their place on my hips.

"Hey." He smirked "Let's dance. Don't just stand there. " he continued and I nodded

"I... Don't know how to dance."

"Just do what you were doing before." He said with that sexy smirk plastered across his face.

He turned me around then pulled me into him so my back was touching his chest as we started to grind.

We were getting a couple glances and stares because well, it was me, AND LUKE FREAKING HEMMINGS GRINDING ON EACHOTHER!

Was he drunk? I'm pretty sure he is... He hasn't done something like this with me... I know this isn't that bad but still...

He leaned his head down and planted a kiss on the bare skin behind my neck.

"Luke..." I said and he hummed in response

"Are you drunk?" I asked and he gave me a 'no' in response.

"Are you s-" he cut me off

"As as sober as you are." He said

"Well I'm pretty tipsy." I said and he laughed

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Your as tipsy as a rock."

"What does that mean!"

"Your not drunk at all babe." He said and I blushed because of my embarrassment and because he called me babe...

After that I was quiet

"Calm down baby girl. Take a joke." He said and my eyes widened

Baby girl? Oh my gosh am I dreaming?

I almost choked on my words as I answered him.

"Luke your drunk." I said turning around and looking at him

"No im not." He pouted as I turned around to look at him

"Yeah, you are."

"Can't we just dance?"

"Yeah." I laughed

"Can we do what we were doing before?" He asked smirking again

"You don't need to ask." I smiled and turned around, backing up into him by myself.

"I never said kissing wasn't involved." He mumbled to himself but I still heard.

"I heard that." I said

"You were suppose to." He whispered against my neck sending shivers down my spine

This boy had me wrapped around his finger.

He sent gental kisses down my neck then one on the edge of my shoulder

I looked up and saw Kirsty. She was looking straight at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and then I felt a vibration on my back from luke chuckling a little.

"What?" I questioned

"Nothing." He whispered in my ear and this time I smelt the alcohol in his breath.

Someone walked by us and bumped into luke causing him to stumble and fall.

I laughed at him as he pouted, stuggling to stand, causing him to just fall back down again.

I put my hand out for him and he grabbed it but pulled me down into him.

My hair fell in front of my face and he moved it to one side of my face.

"Your cute you know that right?" He said

"Shut up. Don't lie." I laughed

"You really are." He said

Luke's P.O.V

I was laying on the ground with Hailey right on top of me.

We were talking but sometimes I would studder or Take a second to answer because well, I'm trying to not act drunk?

Its pretty fucking hard if you don't know already (A/N that's what she said ;D). But I think she already figured it out.

I was looking at all the things on her face. Her eyes, adorable nose, plump and perfect lips, and her cute dimples. I was mostly doing this because I just couldn't focus on one thing right now.

"Your cute you know that right?" I said to her

"Shut up. Don't lie." She giggled

"You really are."

"Your d-" I cut her off,

"I'm not drunk." I pouted

"Yeah you are. But that doesn't mean I don't believe you." She smirked

"Drunk words, sober thoughts." She continued and I kissed her nose

This girl will be the death of me.
Awh luke. Lol


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