@HemmoConda (35)

516 9 1

Kristy's P.O.V
My dad was resting on the couch as I was in my room with the door open scrolling through twitter.

My finger kept moving up the screen until it stopped scrolling and I read a tweet from one of the '5sos Insider' accounts.


Ashton was spotted at a bar, holding hands with a mystery brunnete. [Insert Image] [Insert Video]

My eyes narrowed as I started feeling uncomfortable and slightly angry.

I clicked the photo and saw him in all black and the girl covering her eyes as they walked hand in hand to a black SUV.

I swiped to the right and watched the video.

It was very noisy and Dave kept walking in front of the camera telling everyone to put their phones down and go away.

I clenched my jaw in anger as tears welled up in my eyes.

Without control of myself I threw my phone at the wall. Its most likely broken now but at this moment I didn't care.

I thought for a second then wrote a note to my dad on a piece of paper that said,

'Hey dad I just went to Starbucks  so I'll be back in a little. Food is in the fridge, you just need to warm it up. I left water next you you, don't trip on it❤.'

I put it on the coffee table in front of him then grabbed my house keys, not taking my phone.

I walked out the house then locked the door and walked to Starbucks
Once I walked in the door and looked up to see Andrew.

(A/N andrew was introduced in one of the older chapters)

He was smiling until he noticed my expression which caused him to frown.

I walked up to where he was taking orders and he leaned over the counter to hug me.

"Hey Kris." He said and I nodded

"What's wrong."

"I think my boyfriend cheated on me..." I said as I looked him in the eyes

This time I couldn't read his expression.

"You- have a boyfriend?" He asked and i shrugged.

"Did." I said and he was about to say something until someone behind me cut him off

"This is not the time to exchange feelings. I'm a buisy woman and I need my coffee for work!" The business woman said and I apologized

"Go sit down, I'll get you tour regular. When I'm done serving these people I'll ask for my break." He said and I nodded going to sit down at a table in the back table of the one story building.
"Kristy come give me a hug." Andrew said and I looked up from my head laying on the table and nodded at him
I scooted out the booth and practically jumped on him, I needed this hug. He knew that.

"We only dated one day and he already messed up the first day I'm home. Knowing that I like him so much he decided to fuck up." I said and he kissed the top of my head nodding

Me and andrew are only friends but over the course of the time that we knew each to her we've gotten very close.

"Its ok. He'll come around. Guys are just stupid."

"But your a guy." I chuckled but went silent again

"I can still be stupid..." He sighed and I smiled


"I fell for you." He mumbled quietly but I looked up at him

"W-what?" I asked

"Your um... Order is probably done I should go get it..." He rushed, detaching me from him and walking into the back

He's stupid cause he fell for me...


I was a mistake in his life wasn't I?
After the awkward encounter with andrew I went home home and saw my dad watching a movie.

"Hi dadd-" I stopped myself then spoke again as ashton suddenly popped in my head

Odd moment for him to pop up in my head

"Hey dad." I said and he nodded to me

"You feeling ok?" I asked and he smiled

"Yeah." He said. "When will your mom be home?"

"Business trip." I said and he nodded coughing a little

"I'll be upstairs. Call me if you need me." I said and he nodded again as i walked to my room

I left the door a little open so I'll be able to hear my dad if he needed me.

I grabbed my phone and noticed the crack in the screen. It still worked so that's fine.

I checked my messages and saw three from ashton.

Ash❤: hey babe (12:45pm)
Ash❤: Kris I wanna Skype you! :( (2:45pm)
Ash❤: baby Skype me (5:34pm)

I needed to talk to him about what happened so without texting back 'ok' I just skyped him

When he answered he was all smiles, unlike me...

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You know what's wrong." I said and he awkwardly laughed

"What are you talking about Babe?"

"Don't call me babe you dick!" I raised my voice

"Listen it was not- I'm not going to lie to you, it was exactly what it looked like." He said with a straight face and my eyes started to tear up

I couldn't tell if he was sorry or if he didn't care.

"What the hell..." I mumbled looking down at my lap causing my hair to fall in front of my face

"You want me to lie?" He asked and my head snapped up to look it the screen

"You want to know what I wanted? The only thing I wanted was for the guy that I thought would be the perfect boyfriend to actually not cheat on me! Cause now it going to come right back and bite you in the ass and your going to regret everything!" I said with a loud voice

"Its hard when your not here, you know?"

"Don't feed me that bullshit ashton." I spat at him and he just shook his head, ruffling up his hair

"Not everyone is perfect." He said leaning forward so he was closer to the screen

I shook my head as I stared at the screen

"What do you want me to say? I fucked up ok? I know."

"You cheated on your band mates sister." I laughed sarcasticlly with tear stained cheeks

I looked behind him at the girl figure walking passed his bunk

It was Ellie... She waved at me and pointed to her phone so I nodded only adding confusion to ashton's face

"Ashton." I stated


"Its over. Fuck you." I said with a sarcastic, may I mention fake, smile.

I ended the call, deleted his Skype and his number.

I shut my computer and pushed it to the side then looked at the message Ellie was talking about when she pointed at her phone

Ellie: it was some girl at the club. He was lonley so that stuff happened... I'm so sorry.

Me: its whatever. Bye.

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