Or Maybe Jealousy? (12)

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Hailey's P.O.V
"What don't we know? What aren't you guys telling us? Huh?" I questioned as the boys sat on the couch

We went home after that little incident.

Us girls were standing up staring at each and every one of the guys annoyed with their little secret.

"Well..." Ashton trailed off and Kristy rolled her eyes

"Were kinda... Just a little bit. Famous on YouTube for our umm. Singing. Were a band."

"Your a YouTube band?!" Ellie practically shouted and they all nodded slowly

"Your famous?!" Camryn questioned not daring to look Michael in the eye

Why? I don't know.

"Not famous. Don't be ridiculous." Calum laughed awkwardly

"Shut it." Kristy spat at calum as he threw his arms up as if he was surrendering

"Your telling us, your famous on YouTube for singing, you have a huge fan base, you have like a gazillion followers on twitter and Instagram, but you didnt tell us?!" Kristy screamed and luke shrugged

"Pretty much." Luke said with a smirk on his face as if this amused him

I shot him a glare causing him to laugh.

Camryn's P.O.V
Since they are practically famous... This means the picture of mikey missing me is out. FOR THEIR WHOLE FANBASE TO SEE!

I'm going to get killed.

I can never leave this house. More like my house and my room!

I need to move to Mexico, due my hair blonde, change my name, and never step foot in Australia again!

"Laugh one more time and that lip ring will be ripped out your lip!" Hailey said, trying to be calm, causing me to be snapped back into reality

Hailey's P.O.V
Luke's eyes widened and he slumped down in his spot on the couch and bit his lip.

"The only thing to make this even better is if you were signed to a record. God." Ellie said and all the boys looked up at her without saying a word (note sarcasm)

"Oh com'on! You've got to be joking!" Kristy screamed

"We are not on a record... yet. But this summer we are going on tour with one direction..." Mikey sighed

"One direction?" I questioned

"Yeah. Harry was at the party-"

"I spoke to harry styles!" I screamed, fangirling over HARRY FUCKING STYLES!!!

Luke's P.O.V
Hailey was fangirling over harry. Ooo yeahhhh, soo cool (note my sarcasm). She's suppose to like me, not have a thing for harry.

"Yeah." Mikey said and she practically fell on camryn.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my broad chest.

Kristy looked at me with pity in her eyes. That was the only time she wasn't mad at me today. Wow.

"So... You guys are going on tour with one direction during the summer and we wont-" ellie got cut off

"Your coming with." Calum said as if it was not a big deal

"How?!" She raised her voice

"We already planned it. It was a surprise but you found out." Ashton said

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