hey brah, try thisss (31)

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Ellie's P.O.V
We were staying in a hotel, because tomorrow it's the guys first gig and were going to be here for two days

Everyone were in their a rooms.

I was awoken my a crash in the little kitchen area of the hotel room

None of the guys or girls heard but that's because all of them were in a very deep sleep.

I opened my eyes and noticed that Michael and camryn were cuddled up on me.

Camryn was hugging me and Michael was hugging my legs.

Weird I know.

I squeezed through their grip and found the closest, most painful, item and grabbed it.

If someone broke in, they need to be hit. You know?

I slowly walked out the room into the 'kitchen area'

Just so you know, this is a GIANT hotel room.

Anyway, I walked out the room and turned a lanp on so I could see the black figure, rummaging in the small, knee high, fridge.

"Calum?" I asked, dropping the metal rod that I grabbed from the bedroom, and walked over to him

He spun around and quickly held onto the counter beside him

"What the hell..." He wandered off with what he was saying

I walked closer and saw that his eyes were blood shot red and he was swaying back and forth a little

"Calum are you high? And drunk? What the hell." I said walking even closer to him so we were now inches away.

"Yes- naybe- mhm." He said

"Where did you even get high? Where did you go?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He spat, trying to walk away but as he walked he tripped on his own foot

I quickly leaned forward and grabbed his arms but since he is heavier than I am, I ended up falling on top of his chest

I could smell the strong oder coming off him

"Why did you do this?" I asked leaning up and about to stand but he grabbed me and pulled me down

He answered my earlier question and some of this one but that was enough for me.

"I was at la' clubbb and I went to the back be.... Because I had to umm. Use the bathroom and then someone was like 'hey brah, try thisss.' And I was like ok? Then I was like 'this stuff is good. But like you give a fuck." He said and I started growing annoyed

"I do give a fuck. Calum your by boyfriend." I said and his face went blank

"What?" I questioned

"I have to throw up. I'm gonna vomit. Move!" He said and I quickly got off him, sliding the garbage can across the floor

He let it all out and I started walking away

When he was done he stood up and looked at me

"Wait. Ellie." I turned around to look at him and his face was red

"Calum what's wrong?" I asked speed walking over to him and cupping his face with my hands

Now his breath smelt even worse than before causing him to smell unbearable but that didn't matter right now so I pushed it to the side.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." He said shaking his head and tears started streaming down his cheeks

I thought I was just because his mind was not working properly at this moment but I was wrong.

"Wha- why are you crying. Calum everything is ok-" calum cut me off

"No. Its not ok." He whined

"What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head, holding his eyes closed causing the sides of them to wrinkle until he finally opened his eyes again

"A girl kissed me. She kissed me and I didn't stop it. At least a minute later I pushed her away and yelled at her but she just came back and did the same thing. I'm just, I'm too drunk to function! I'm sorry ellie. Don't hate me. Please. I don't know how I will work. I don't. I won't be able to think. Please ellie, I didn't cheat, I didn't. It was a forced kiss." He ranted

While he was talking my hands slowly ended up falling to my sides, soaked in his tears

"You kissed someone else?" I mumbled

"No. She kissed me and-"

"But you didn't stop her right away?" I cut him off stepping back once

"I wasn't functioning." He said but once again, I backed away

"Ellie." He whined and I shook my head, fighting back the tears and the sobs that ached to come out.

I was ready to turn around until I saw calum drop to his knees and literally beg for me to stay.

I have no where to go but he still did

"Ellie please. Your my everything. Your my other half. The one that fixes everything. You make me laugh and smile without trying. You dread seeing me sad, I know. You always make me happy when your in my arms. Your looks, your gaze, when you sneak a peek at me, it makes me melt inside. Ellie please don't leave me. We can't be over. I just can't loose-" I cut him off by getting on my knees and hugging him

I would have kissed him and make the moment better but he did just vomit.

"Cal. It's ok." I said, my head in the crook of his neck

Hailey's P.O.V
We heard it all.

We're not asleep!

Camryn ended up waking up and complaining about how she had nothing to cuddle and because she woke us up for that we started hearing cal and ellie outside the room -the 1d boys were in another room-.

She we heard them both come into the bedroom we all dropped back down onto the bed as if we have been laying there the whole time

Like when one of the toys from Toy Story calles out to everyone 'Andy's Coming!' And they drop down, that was us at this moment.

"Go shower." Ellie said

"But then I'll wake everyone up." cal said

"Doesn't matter. You smell like shit." She laughed

"Fine. Join me?" He asked and I heard her burst into laughter

I tried so hard to keep in my laughter in, causing me to exhale a shaking breath

"Nah. I'm good. I'm tired."

"Ughhhh. Fine. But can you get me water and Advil? My head hurts like hell."

"Under one condition."

"And what's that?"

"No more getting high and dr- well you can get drunk, just not alone."

"Fine. I promise."

"Ok. Go showah." Ellie said then skipped out the room

The funny thing is, they don't even know that we know that has just happened.
I just got an idea for the next chapter and I'm so excited to write it xD

Anyway, hoped you liked it you people

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