Chapter 4

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I trained with Kael, without under the eyes of Chase or Robert and it was very suspicious and I can barely focus during training. Nonetheless, Kael made me do our usual workout and we did a few sparring which it was getting intense when he couldn't bring me down to the ground. My wrist was throbbing but I ignore the pain and continue to dodge, block and attack him with everything I got and so far I keep winning each of our sparring session.

"You're getting stronger and faster, Miss Stormrage." Kael said after he decided to call it a day. I was confused at his compliment and was a little bit surprised when he speaks. He saw my expression and chuckled while brushing his brown hair back with his fingers and watched the sun set behind me. If he wasn't 30 years old and married, I could have swoon with his handsome face and well built body but he is 30 and married and not to mention one of father's closest friends. "You deserve some credits for your endless willpower and patience. Well done." he said and put his hand on my messy ponytail hair and shook them, making it more messier.

I groan and pry his hand off my head but his action was...weird. I remember when I was a kid and he used to do that to me when father called him to our house. Father found it funny so he let Kael messed with me with that small action but when father and mother die, he distance himself from me for 2 years and barely talk to anyone until Robert used him to punish me and train me.

He caught my confusion and looked around and sniffed the air as if he was checking if the coast is clear. Then suddenly he grabbed my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes with his dark green eyes. I thought he was attacking me but his serious expression made me stop and stare at his eyes in confusion. I was stunned when he smiled at me because for years after my parents death, he barely smile at anyone. "Your father is going to be proud of you."

I flinched at his words. No one has ever said that to me. No one.

He let me go and in low voice, he says. "No matter what happen Selyen, be strong like your father and patience like your mother. You will be a great Alpha when you're ready." He said.

I was confused with his sudden attitude but the more I stare into his eyes, the more I senses that he's trying to tell me something without saying out loud or through our mind link. He smiled but sadly this time before he walked away.

What was that all about? Diane shot first question. Why is he acting odd?

I grabbed my jacket and stare at the path he walked before he disappear. I, I'm not sure but he's trying to tell something.


Someone called from behind me, snapping me from my thoughts and Diane. I turned around saw Langford, our current Beta, made his way toward me. I lower my gaze and nod my head as he come closer and didn't see his hand flies up and slap my face. My right cheek sting and I closed my eyes to calm myself down.

"What you did to my son unacceptable!" he growled. "You should be punish for your crime against your future Beta."

I raise my head and show him my wrist where the silver bracelet still clutching around my skin. Of course he knew that Robert has punished me with this thing but it's clearly he was not satisfied. "It's not enough. You will guard up and patrol tonight in your wolf form until dawn. I don't care if you already did that yesterday but you will secure the perimeter until you drop dead. Understood?"

I almost growl at his command and Diane didn't like his tone. How dare he order me around like that? He doesn't have a true Beta blood inside him so what makes him think he can used that kind of tone to me. But hatefully, I suppressed my anger and bow my head obediently. He nods and his eyes sparks with a secret agenda. "Good. Now get on with it." He barked and I jogged toward the forest quickly so he couldn't hear my growling.

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