Chapter 11

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(Ian POV)

I was still surprise at her ability and stamina to run among my pack during our morning free running. I didn't take the lead this time, telling Adam and Hiro that I'm going stealth mood to watch the pack's progression when the truth is I want to see how she keep up with us. And to tell the truth, I'm really impressed at her quick reflexes and speedness. Her body move beautifully with gracefulness and it was a miracle that her long black hair didn't get caught at the branches. She's so beautiful and every moves she made, makes me wants her more. The bond between us is getting stronger and my blood of an Alpha is pushing me over the edge to claim her as mine forever.

When the run was over, I watch her from a far and was stunned with her beauty. She has a beautiful smile and something tells me that she never smile so freely like that. There's a hidden sadness too beneath those light grey eyes. Then, a male join her and Ruby little chat and it took all my willpower to hold my wolf down as we watched Elai roaming his eyes all over her body and hold her hand. I don't care if it just a greeting gesture but no one can see her or touch her but me.

As if she could felt me watching her, she slightly looked around, searching for something until her eyes land exactly at mine. It was impressive that she was able to locate me easily because no one, not even Adam, can find me when I'm in hiding. When our eyes lock on each other, neither of us look away. Selyen. That's her name and I instantly like her name roll off from my mouth like a silent prayer. The mate bond was strong, I can feel it burning in my vein, whispering to me to claim her, mark her and mate her now. It's such a strong pull and it doesn't help when she's look soaking hot.

Sweats were running down the side of her face, down her pale neck and disappear into her dry-fit shirt. Her clothes was clutching at her curve and she's so sexy with that thick dam black hair that reach her waist. So long and beautiful hair, making me wanted to run my fingers through her hair, pull it back a little so her neck exposed for me to suck and bite.

She looked away, breaking my daydreaming but the imagination stuck in my head and I almost groan in frustration, especially when Adrian imagine her body flush against me as I leave some love bites and hear her gasp in pleasure.

Stop it, Adrian. I growl at him and he smirk. I know you want it as much as I do.

I hate to admit it that I want her, now but her behavior, those eyes that held secrecy makes me curious. I want to know them but it feels like she's hiding it too well inside her.

Give her time. Adrian said. Maybe she's afraid of telling about herself to us.

Well I have to agree with him actually. As much as I want to know every secrets that she hold, I realize that I can't force it out of her. I can actually but there was a glimpse of authority in her silver-grey eyes that make me hold myself from forcing the truth out from her and it look...familiar.


Breakfast was quick and then we are out at the clear fields to train. Today is physical training, where all the young werewolves will have to spar with their hands and feet. I want my pack the best in all hand to hand combat, weaponry and in wolf form. Every training has to be quick and silent like the shadow and trust me, we are good in silent killing.

Adam barked to some of the pack members that has stopped during our free running obstacles including Ruby which mean leaving Selyen alone with Elai. Adrian didn't like them standing alone together and I found myself making my way toward them.

"You two," I said from their back and Selyen jumped a little at the sound of my voice. Adrian smirked in my head, liking how our presence and voice affect her but I push his thought down and focus. "Come with me."

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