New plans

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The cab pulls up to my new temporary home, and I get more and more excited as every moment passes. I enter the room and take a deep breath. Although, I'm only two towns over from my city, I feel like I'm in another country. I unpack quickly so that I can determine what else I will need to possibly go hunting tonight.

I brought enough cash with me to pay for the room and everything else I buy here without leaving my real name anywhere. It's like I never even left the city and I'm still right at home in my apartment. I don't exist here. But then again, do I even exist anywhere, anymore? At this point, I don't think so. I only exist now to a few very unfortunate people who's path a may cross.

I'm staying at a motel, two blocks from Main street in a small town where everything I need is just a short walking distance away. I won't need a cab, hopefully until I decide to go back home.

I walk down to the hardware store. It's an old, small store that is much like the one's I used to see as a kid back before everything got so big and sophisticated. I subtly look around scanning the place for surveillance cameras, but just as I hoped, they don't seem to have any. That is a big relief. They won't have any proof that I was in here buying anything that was used in the murder of the person who's body they will find.

I have been wearing a pair of thin, white ladies gloves everywhere I go, just to keep my fingerprints off of everything. I am more aware and cautious of this little cat and mouse game I will be playing with the police now, so I can't be too careful, anymore. The only thing I worry about now, is the clerks I purchase tools from. They will be able to identify me and describe me to a sketch artist. At first, I didn't really care if I got caught. I thought that if I did, it was because I was supposed to, no big deal to me. But now, I want to keep playing. I don't want to get caught. I want more. More blood, more pain, more fear. I want all of it, and I want it now! Damn this beast! Damn this beast and her evil appetites!

I look up and I see the clerk looking at me like she knows I'm completely insane, as I'm cursing my ghostly beast quietly to myself. I try to save my perceived sanity by telling her that I can't remember exactly what my husband sent me here to get and it's driving me nuts. She laughed and seemed to buy my story, little does she know, she was right, I am completely insane.

I leave the hardware store with very few items. I bought a long screwdriver, a small garden spade, and my precious duct tape. I think I better keep as low of a profile as possible and not buy too much. I've already made the mistake of making myself noticed, and possibly remembered.

The next stop will be the little clothes shop a few doors down and the shoe store next to it. I keep my head down, and look at no one as I walk down the sidewalks. My long black hair keeps my face well hidden. There is not very many people around here at all, though. It's not like the city, at all. I am much more comfortable here, but I do miss the familiarity of my city.

I slip in and out of the stores quickly with new clothes and shoes. I have everything I will need now. I stop at a sandwich shop and grab something to eat right quick. In all this excitement, I had forgotten to eat. I will definitely be needing my strength tonight.

Next, I walk farther down town until I see a road sign for a boat dock and camping grounds. This gets my attention. I now need a place to clean up after, somewhere with running water, and this may be the best place ever. It's not very far, so I go check it out to make sure there aren't a lot of people around so that maybe I can find a rather secluded area near the water to go for a swim later.

I get closer and closer to the lake, and I have seen no one so far. I am thrilled. There is even a restroom building near the boat docks, but I don't think I will be using it. All I need is that lake. As I approach the water, I look all around to make sure there is still nobody around, and there's not, not even a boat on the water. It's not warm enough yet for boaters and swimmers, and this works to my advantage so well.

Now, I look for a good place to stash a bag of one change of clothes. I walk up into the wooded area near the water and find an old dead tree that had fallen over. I dig a shallow hole under the base of the fallen tree and place the bag there. I cover the bag with dirt and leaves to hide it well. I would love to use that restroom, but anyone can walk right into that building and catch me covered in blood. I will instead, fight the cold water of the lake.

I quickly head back to the motel to shower and change, and get ready for the night. I can't seem to control my excitement, or my desires. It's all I can do not to grab the screwdriver and plunge it into the brain of the first person I see.

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