Feeding the Beast

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After the hot shower, my body feels much better from all the walking I did today. I feel energized and refreshed. I have only one thing on my mind and that is, getting my next fix. I stop long enough to eat an energy bar to keep me going, and gulp down a cup of horrible motel coffee for a little caffeine boost. With the duct tape in my jacket pocket, the garden spade in the inside pocket of my jacket, and the screwdriver tucked down in the waistline of my black jeans, I'm good to go.

I step out the door, closing and locking it behind me, and standing right there, as I turn to go, is a policeman. He's rather tall, but thin, with an unusually large chin. He has a worried look on his face as if he's looking for someone. But I haven't even done anything yet. So, it can't possibly involve me. Not yet, anyway.

He looks at me right a way and asks me if I have noticed anything unusual here, that there have been reports of someone sneaking around peeping in the windows of the motel. I tell him I haven't seen anything, but if I do, I will call. He goes on about his business checking everything out, and I think, "Damn! Another one who had a good look at my face today."

Instead of worrying about how many people have noticed me enough to remember me, I concentrate on my hunt. Who will it be tonight? I walk through town and stalk around the buildings right along the edge of Main street. This way, I can watch the people, from a distance, hopefully unnoticed, and pick one to follow.

Being a small town, there's not a lot of action, even on Main street, but there are enough out to choose from. I'm just hoping one will walk down this way and make it easy for me. I'm dressed all in black and hiding in the dark shadow of the building, pressed up close to the brick, like a spider waiting on the fly to come just a little bit closer. If one strays off in this direction, he's mine.

I chuckle an evil little deep sounding noise at the thought of that, but I don't even know where it came from. It's like it wasn't even me that laughed, but it was. It's her again! Why can't she just leave me alone? I'm doing what she's making me do, and I have to admit, I'm even enjoying every second of it. But why won't she just stay out of it? No matter, she can bully her way in if she likes. Even she can't stop me now. Not that she would.

I eventually have to move up to a building closer to where the people are because no one is venturing down to where I was. I feel a little uneasy about getting closer, but it's the only way. I'm still hidden in shadows, but I fear that if I do attack, at this range, someone else might hear something. I need another tactic. Think, Jordan, think! And then it hits me, good old fashioned, woman's allure. And I hear her chuckle again. "Shut up, bitch, before you get us caught!"

I see a man who looks like he has had one too many beers tonight. He's a bit too large for me to handle in normal circumstances, but he's drunk, so maybe I could take him. He's stumbling around the parking lot of an old bowling alley, all alone, fumbling through keys on his key ring. He stops at a little beat up pick up truck that I presume is his, and I think, "You're going to get someone killed, drinking and driving like that, you bastard. But not tonight, you're not."

Before he ever finds the right key, I walk right up to him because I don't see anyone else very close by. Everyone else is on the sidewalks, talking and laughing. The parking lot is fairly dark and I feel comfortable that no one else is paying any attention to this area.

I take him by surprise, when he looks up and sees me standing in front of him. He never heard me or saw me coming. After he jumps from being a little startled, he laughs and asks me where I came from. I tell him that I had some trouble with my car around the building, a couple of streets down, and he is more than too happy to come take a look. That was too easy. Men can be so stupid when it comes to women.

He flirts and tells me how pretty I am, as he stumbles along side of me, heading off to his shadow of death, but he is so drunk he would probably think an ape was pretty, as long as it was a female. I just laugh and flirt back a little to keep him happy and interested.

Before long we turn the corner to the secluded building of my choice, and standing in the darkest shadow of it, he asks me where my car is. I point toward the end of the building and he takes a few steps, squinting to see a car that in not there, and I strike. With all my might, I shove the garden spade deep into his back, just below the shoulder blades.

Surprisingly to me, blood sprays like rain all over me as he makes a loud grunt and falls to the ground. I wasn't expecting a rain of blood like that yet, but I relish in it. I take in the beautiful metallic aroma like some kind of wonderful drug I need so badly. I lick my lips, tasting the blood on them, and I'm driven mad with ecstasy.

I rip off a piece of his shirt and shove it in his mouth, straddling his lower back, as he lays on his stomach groaning in these little crying sobs. I wrap the duct tape around and around his head, holding his gag in place. He is not putting up much of a fight, but I think he is in shock, plus he's very drunk. But I don't care. I'm feeding the beast inside me. I'm out of control with excitement and pleasure.

I snatch the spade out of his back and stab him with it again and again, all over his back as I'm still straddling him. I can't stop. He's dead already, I know he is, but I can't stop. I didn't mean for him to die so quickly, because I love to have my fun, but I can't stop myself. I continue stabbing his corpse until I run out of strength and energy to the point of almost passing out. When I stop, what I now see is horrific. So horrific that even I get nauseated, even in the dark shadow of the building with very little light to see it. What I did to this man is incredible. I have hollowed him out. His insides are like ground beef and what happened to his rib cage, I haven't a clue. My guess is that there is bone fragments everywhere. I can't even begin to understand the amount of strength, energy, and stamina it would take for someone to do this, and I don't know where it came from.

Now, frightened of myself, I grab the tape and the spade, and run. The long screwdriver, that didn't even get used, begins to get uncomfortable so I pull it out and hold it in my hand as I'm running for the boat docks. I run through the dark of night for my life as if I'm running from the beast, myself.

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