|| Chapter Three || Autumn's POV ||

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"Here you go!" Miss Isabella exclaimed handing me an envelope. As I opened it I pulled out three letters, the first one one read:

Autumn Miller's Schedule - School.

Dorm - 939
Dorm assistant - Alex
Roommates - Sophia Lucia, Kendall vertes, Maddie Ziegler, Chloe lukasiak, Paige Hyland.

Classes -
English - A12 - Mrs Murphy
Math - A5 - Mr Millton
Science - D11 - Mrs Johnson
Home economics - G5 - Mrs flutter
Language arts - B19 - Mr Anderson
Art - A9 - Mrs Jones
Music - C14 - Mr Rock


7:30 - wake up / get dressed
8:00 - Breakfast
9:00 - Maths
10:10 - Break / Dorm time
10:50 - Language arts
11:00 - Music
12:10 - Dorm time
12:30 - lunch
1:15 - English
2:25 - Art
3:35 - home economics
4:45 - Dinner / Dorm time
5: 40 - Acro/Jazz / Hip hop
6:15 - Tap
6:45 - Modern /Tumbling - turning - Leaps
7:30 - ballet / pointe
8:15 - Lyrical / contemporary
8:45 - Supper
9:10 - Dorm time / reading
10:00 - into bed
10:30 - lights out!

"Woah," I whispered showing my mom. I didn't bother reading the other two papers because my mom had read them out to me.
"This is going to be tough! Are you up for it? " my mom concerned.
" Yeah! Course I am! It's going to be so fun!" I replied.
Then miss Isabella clapped loudly and everyone fell Silent again.
"Ok! Everyone are you ready? It's time for the tour! You can leave your belongings in here or you can bring them it's up too you." She shouted.
I left my suitcase and rucksack on my seat and followed Sophia and her Mom too tell her the news.
"Sophia!!!!!!" I screamed, rapidly waving my arms.
"Autie!!!!!!" She screeched back. Pulling me into a tight hug.
"I haven't seen you in ages! And even better..." Sophia started.
"WE'RE IN THE SAME DORM!!!!!" we both squealed in unison. Which made nearly everyone look right round at us. We blushed. Then burst out laughing.


"And finally form here are the dorm rooms. You will find who is in your dorm, your dorm number and your dorm assistant on your schedule. Now if you take your stuff into your dorm and make yourself at home."
Miss Isabella finished. I darted off to get my stuff, ran back and lurched my suitcase into my dorm then grabbed the top bunk by the window (the best bed) just at that moment Maddie and Sophia came in.
"Phwoah!" Heaved Sophia jumping onto the bunk under mine. While Maddie climbed onto the bottom bunk bed next to mine and saved the top for Kendall.
"We'll save that bunk bed for Paigey and Chlo, I suppose they'll want to share" Maddie said.
I nodded. "Probably" Then, as if on cue, kendall, Chloe and paige burst through the door. Suitcases and all. I giggled.
"Kendall, your on top!" Maddie said helping Kendall fling her bags onto the top bunk. "And we saved that bunk for you guys" Maddie continued jestering Chloe and paige to the end bunk. All the girls in my room were really funny and cool. I'm so excited to be sharing with them.

Izzy x


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