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“No matter what historians claimed, BC really stood for "Before Coffee.” 
― Cherise Sinclair, Master of the Mountain

Leighton Inglewood was not having a very good day. Actually, Leighton Inglewood was having a terrible week.

                Her boyfriend, of two years, cheated on her, her best friend since kindergarten moved to god-knows-where in Alaska, and to top it all off, her cat, Pookie, got run over by her dog loving, cat hating neighbor (whether on purpose or not, we shall never know, though Leighton did have her suspicions). All this took place in the time span of one, extremely miserable week. The week after the end of senior year.

                So, to keep her mind off of things, her parents sent her on a trip to England.

One may think, “Hey, that’s not too bad. It’s a trip to England, the land of great accents and hot guys!” That is until one meets Aunt Claire and Uncle John, the relatives Leighton was scheduled to spend her trip with.

Uncle John was a complete work-aholic. Aunt Claire was a gossip. Together, they had the “worst people to spend a break with” down to a science.

Needless to say, she was quite miserable.

Until she found a way to escape, that is.

Follow Leighton on her not-so-boring journey throughout the beautiful, picturesque terrain of Beverley, England, as well as numerous other breathtaking sites, as she has the adventure of her life and finds true love all in the course of seven days.

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