[Bad News]

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Hello lovelies!!

I have got some bad news. Since college is starting at the end of this month, I’m moving. Thus basically all I do all day is pack and then pack some more. I never realized how much stuff I owned until now.

Anyways, the thing is that I don’t really have time to write. In fact, I’m cutting into my packing time to write this. And after I move, I’ll have to spend all my time unpacking.

So I probably won’t be able to update until about two weeks later. So sorry about that. I’ll try to do the best I can to write in between my packing and unpacking. But no promises.

Anyways. Once again, I apologize for the impending delay. Sorry!

Amazingness xx

P.S. While you are waiting, you should so totally have a Harry Potter marathon. My friends and I had one a few days ago. It took us about 19 ½ hours and a truckload of sugar and caffeine to finish all of them. It was pure amazingness =)

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