{Chapter 4}- Day 1: Part 2

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Hello you wonderful people!

I am in the midst of binge-watching Doctor Who and trying to get over the Doomsday Episode, so I haven't really gotten a chance to write much. But I did, however, tear myself away from Netflix to procure this chapter just for you.

So, Enjoy!

P.S. Those pesky Daleks just don't die, do they?


“Coffee is a warm drink that fosters friendship and tastes great. What more is there to life?” 

― Kevin Sinnott

“Well, hello Will,” Leighton replied imitating his reply. “I don’t mean to be prying or rude, but what are you doing out and about at twelve-o-clock at night?”

                “I could ask you the same question,” Will replied with a smirk.

                “Yes, you could,” Leighton replied. “But I asked you first.”

                “Fine, you win,” Will replied. “I always come here.”

                “Are you following me?”

                “Don’t flatter yourself,” Will replied with a smirk, before taking a sip of the coffee and grimacing at the taste.

                “Okay, so we both happen to be the only ones in the entire town of Beverley who have a thing for drinking coffee at twelve-o-clock?”

                “I suppose so,” Will replied taking a sip of his coffee.

                “So why are you sitting with me?”

“Do you believe in signs?” Will asked randomly.

                “No,” Leighton replied hesitantly, wondering what kind of a psychopath she was drinking coffee with.

                “Neither do I,” Will replied. “I was just wondering what you’d say. Anyways, I’m sitting with you because you seem lonely and I’ve been told I seem lonely. So I thought if two lonely people keep each other company, they would be less lonely.”

                She knew that under normal circumstances, she would get away from a random stranger like this as fast as she could. But for some reason, she didn’t feel afraid. What she felt was a type of comfort that she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Oh, okay. I suppose that makes sense. In a very odd way, but it makes sense,” Leighton replied.

                “Upset that I’m not a serial killer?” Will asked, humor dancing in his eyes. “Or a psychopath?”

                “Maybe a little bit. Although I haven’t quite ruled out the possibility,” Leighton replied. “At least that would’ve made my visit a little entertaining.”

                “Oh, come on! Granted Beverley isn’t London, but it is not that bad!”

                “So far, the most interesting that has happened to me is getting hit on by a drunk Irish guy who was pretending to be British.”

                “Never happened to me before,” Will replied with a straight face.

                “No, you don’t say!” Leighton replied sarcastically.

                “See, this is a city of interesting experiences!”

                “Sure, if you say so,” Leighton replied unconvinced.

                “Come on, you met me! Possibly the most bloody amazing person you will ever meet! What more could you want of a city?”

                “Aren’t you a bit full of yourself?” Leighton replied with a smile.

                “Yes I am. Kind of widely known for being a bit vain, among other things,” he replied before suddenly adding, “How about I make you a deal?”

                “A deal with a random guy I met at a coffee shop in Beverley. Yeah, that doesn’t sound crazy at all.”

                “Well, if you want to die of boredom, you’re welcome to do so. Knock yourself out.”

                “Fine. What is it?”

                “Well, I have a week, before…before I leave,” Will began. “How about I meet you every night at this Café at the same time and I’ll show you all that Beverley has to offer.”

                “You’re not a serial killer, are you?”

                “If I was one, I’d have to pretty thick to answer that honestly, and you’d be pretty thick to think that I would.”

                “Well, I’ll have you know that I am a black belt in karate.”

                “I’ll remember that,” Will replied with a smile.

                “So if you are not a serial killer, why are you doing this?”

                “Let’s just say that my life can possibly change irrevocably after seven days. And if it does, I want to do my share of crazy things before I lose the chance to do them.”

                “I’m going to pretend I understood that.”

                Will smiled.

                “One last question before you leave.”


                “You’re not dying of are you? Of some dangerous disease or something? Because if you are then what you just said before would make sense and this would be totally depressing for me.”

                “No,” Will replied. “Not that I’m aware of.”

                “Okay, good,” Leighton replied. “That’s a relief.”

                “So, see you tomorrow?”

                “See you tomorrow.”

With that Will left the café, leaving Leighton wondering what she had just gotten herself into.


Hope you all enjoyed that! 

If you have any concerns, questions or comments, feel free to express them.

Now, I must get back to watching Doctor Who =)

Until next time, EXTERMINATE!!!!

Amazingness xx

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