Chapter 2

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Bride? W-what does he mean?!!!!!!!

"I did not do anything!!!!!! Please spare me!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I kept on shouting from my panic.

"Just shut the f*ck up!!!", one of the men shouted to me and pushed my face on the floor more.

WHAT'S REALLY HAPPENING???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Please let me go!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I kept on shouting and struggling.

Then, suddenly another man went inside and got a chair from the kitchen and made the person sat down in front of me.


"That's enough.", the man who's sitting suddenly said.

It's like a roar that the four mean were startled.

And then, I just felt that they loosened their hold.


"You can sit properly now.", he said too.




I nervously began to sit properly with a lowered head.

I gulped and felt myself trembling.

Sh*t! I'm really gonna die...

I'm really gonna die...

I'm dead...

I'm dead...

I'm really dead...

All I just did is to close my eyes.

Then suddenly...


I felt a gentle touch on my head and caressed it down to my face and held my chin up.



I slowly opened my eyes and just saw...


...a man with tied up long purple hair wearing a black suit sitting in front of me and was holding my chin.

From that...

Just that...

I just thought that I saw... an angel...




"H-He's so beautiful...", all I thought.

"You grow up fast.", he suddenly said with his gentle voice.


O///q///O A real angel...

But then, in just a blink, I suddenly felt a big pain and just that... I saw his fist... punching my stomach...





I was wrong...

I must be wrong...

I saw...

I saw a devil with an angel's face...



...and everything went to black.


"AAAHHHHH!!!!!...", I immediately yawned as I woke up from a very good sleep.




WHERE AM I???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W-WHERE AM I????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I immediately sat up from my panic though I felt a sudden pain on my stomach.



I rubbed my stomach to ease the pain.


That bastard of an angel-looking-but-with-a-devil's attitude did this to me!!!!!

From my anger, I threw the pillow away but...

"A morning sickness?", a voice suddenly said.


I gasped as soon as I saw a tall beautiful man.

"I-IT'S YOU!", I exclaimed as I remembered the man who knocked me down.

Then, he just sat on the floor and just stared at me.

He stared at me from head to toe.


But I really felt a fear on my position.

If he's going to attack me now... I can't protect myself...

"Are you feeling better now?", he asked.


I got shocked with his question.

"I repeat are you feeling better now?", he repeated.


"Y-Yes! Yes!!!", I nervously answered with sweat falling.





What now???




"Starting from now on, keep this into your mind... My name is Kamui Gakupo and...", he seriously said.

I felt really nervous.

" are my bride.", he continued.

I got shocked from what he said.



I think I heard something wrong...

Message of Author-san:

Sorry!!!!! Sorry!!!! Late update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >A< I focused with my story "My Samurai Doll"...

But I need 10votes to continue.

Oyabun's Bride (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now