Chapter 7

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"...even you..."





What's with that?...


The marriage will still continue no matter what...


"...Well I won't let anyone to stop it from happening... even you..."

And what's with the cocky line?...

It's not like he got everything on his hand.

He can't just drag me wherever he wants...




I am just so damn lucky.

So lucky!!!!!!!!!!! *pissed*

But then...

"We're already here.", Gakupo suddenly said.

I looked in front and saw...

"I am so grateful to meet the chosen bride.", a lady in a beautiful kimono suddenly said and bowed on the floor.


Her long yellow hair just touched the ground like golden threads.



So beautiful...

Then, Gakupo looked at me.

"Well, starting from now on, she will become your *dorei.", he said and pointed her. (*means servant)

"Eh? M-Me?"

WAAAHHH!!!!!! I will have my personal maid and she's a real beauty!!!!!!

Well, it's not bad to be bride at all.

"Introduce yourself now.", Gakupo said to her.

She bowed again.

"My name is Lily, Hanayome-sama. I am so pleased to meet you.", she delicately said.


A fairy... O////O

"N-Nice to meet you too.", all I said and laughed awkwardly.

This is like a dream!

This is like a dream!!!!!

I thought that all they have here are bunch of goons and big-built men who looked like bouncers of clubs at night.

But... Lily-san broke me out from this stupid nightmare!!!!!!!!!

"And also, Lily will be the one who will teach you everything from proper etiquette to the main details of your duty and the family."

"O-Okay.", I got nervous after hearing him.

"Okay. So I'll leave everything now to you, Lily.", Gakupo just said.

"Yes, Waka.", she delicately answered.

But as soon as she stood up, she was tripped by her kimono.


"Watch out!!!", I ran immediately to her and saved her from falling.

I held her fragile shoulders...

Oyabun's Bride (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now