Motivational Quotes for the Unmotivated

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Hey Readers! After painstakingly compiling the quotes and explaining them, I just thought of sharing some of my favorite motivational quotes with you all! I hope this quotes will help you all to become a better person! 

And If you wish to share your favorite quotes with others, please share and explain them! I might add you quotes in. Thanks! :)

"A motivational quote a day keeps the blues away." ~   

1) "Never let your memories be greater than your dreams." ~Doug Ivester  

  Memories represent your past, and your dreams represent your future. The wisdom of this quote is that you should always have more planned for your future than what you've accomplished in the past. Getting nostalgic is one thing, but if you get to the point where you feel like your best days are behind you it can get pretty boring and desolate. Always have a dream to be working towards rather than sitting around thinking of the yesterdays gone by. Memories are still cherishable, but shouldn't be your point of focus. Keep your eye on the future so you will always be creating new memories of great times.  

 2) "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~Napoleon Hill  

  This is an amazing quote that may sound simple but has a lot behind it. It's saying that whatever you can dream up in this life, you can achieve. But it brings up an important element, one that many overlook. You have to believe that you can achieve it, which is the part that trips up most people. You can have a big goal, or a big dream, but if you don't believe you deserve it, or you don't believe you can accomplish it, you won't. Spend equal time on building up your belief and dreaming about what you want to accomplish.  

 3) "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." ~ Wayne Gretzky  

  It's true enough that you may miss a shot if you take it, but at least you took it. It's far better than being a spectator of life, watching other people take the shots and only wishing you had the guts to get out there and give it a go. If you're looking to get inspired to do something great you have no further to look than this quote which reminds us that it's not very important if the shot goes in, but rather that you had the courage to get the shot off, and even more so that you were in the game to begin with.  

4) "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Not just the creation of a thousand forests, but thousands of wooden products like desks and chairs. That acorn has a lot to offer, so don't be discouraged if the tasks you're completing seem miniscule. The potential of each little thing you do is great, and can lead to big things. You can also look at your ideas as the acorn, with so much abundance locked within, all that is required is the proper nutrition to get it to grow and produce more seeds, more ideas to grow into big trees. There are many ways to look at this saying, but its core message is that big things come in small packages.  

5)  "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better." ~Jim Rohn  

  They say you should be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. In this case if you are going to be wishing, it's better to wish that you were better able to handle the task at hand, rather than wishing for an easier task. It's may seem like a subtle shift, but it takes the focus off of the difficulty of what's in front of you, and turns it inward so that you can grow to the challenge. It's better for you to grow than for the challenge to shrink, because you always want to be improving and getting better.  

6)  "Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything." ~Scott Reed

  Getting a goal is not enough, you have to stick with it if you want to accomplish it. The reason that sticking to it changes everything is that it means you'll actually achieve your goal and then you can establish your next goal from a totally different place. It's good not to set too many goals from the place where you are now, because after achieving a few of them you'll be in a different place, and you can make better goals from there. You don't want to limit yourself by your current situation. Knock out a few goals first and then reevaluate what you want to do from your new place.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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