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In Spanish, you can calssify words in another three groups.

Agudas - Llanas - Esdrújulas

It's all about the syllable with the most force.

Tílde: (in Spanish) A graphic sign that is written over a vowel.

á é í ó ú

Syllabe numbers - 1-2-3-4

Agudas: The last syllable has the most force. You add a tílde if the syllable finishes in N, S or a vowel.

Por ejemplo: Pez, Avión. Mamá. Señor. (Fish, Plane, Mom, Sir)

Llanas: The 3rd syllable has the most force. You add a tílde if the word doesn't end in n, a or a vowel

Por ejemplo: Lápiz, mesa. (Pencil, table)

Esdrújulas: The 2n syllable has the most force. We always put tílde in this type of words. 

Por ejemplo: Pájaro, Cíclope. (Bird, Cyclope)

Also, the interrogative nouns like:

¿Qué? ¿Cuánto? ¿Cuándo? ¿Cómo? ¿Dónde? (What? How much? When? How? Where?) 

Always have tílde.

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