The Date

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I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was him. I opened the door and seen him he looked so amazing. He had on a black and red plaid shirt black jeans and black tims.
   "So you tried to dress like me I see" he said
   "No I didnt even know u was wearing that" I said laughing.
   "Whatever Come on" he said
We got in the car and drove about 15 min. Once we got to the restaurant it looked very nice and expensive.
   "Are you sure you wanna eat here" I said
"Yes I'm sure"
"It looks expensive"
"You deserve it"

I blushed and we got a seat. Then the waitress walked over
"Hello my name is Miranda, Can I start you off with drinks?" She asked
"Yes I'll take a strawberry lemonade" I said
"I'll have a sprit" Kylin said
She walked away and me and Kylin stated to talk.
"How do you like it?" Kylin asked
"I like it very much, it's different" I said
"A good different I hope"
"Yes a very good difference"
Then they lady returned with our drinks and took our orders. Once she left we continued to talk until it was time to go. We walked to the car and started to talk again
"I had a great time tonight, Thank You" I said
"You don't have to thank me" Kylin said
"Yes I do, nobody has ever did something like this for me"
"We'll get used to it , Were going to be doing this a lot more"
"Okay we'll see" I said laughing
Once we pulled up to my house we just sat there and talked.
"Well I've had a great time with you" I said
"I did to it was great" Kylin said
I gave him a hug then we just Stared at each other. Then we came close together and kissed. I got out the car and smiled big.

Short Chapter.

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