Sunday Part Two

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"So where did you find this V-Consort?" Trinity asked me, combing my brunette hair in the mirror. In my reflection, I could see her giving me a sly look, waiting for the juicy details. She's always been one for gossip but she never tells a soul what I tell her.

"This morning," I told her, watching her mouth drop at the short-timing. "He saved me from three men who were trying to rape me."

"Concords?" She looked as appalled as I was when I realized that we had people like that in the kingdom.

I nodded then winced, feeling the comb scratched my scalp. "I couldn't believe it either."

She exhaled, sweeping my hair forward. "I can't wait for you to be queen. Things need to change around here." I knew there were problems with the kingdom but I so rarely ventured out that I don't know what they are. And father thinks I should focus on sex and meeting my husbands every need than on what's best for the kingdom. I snorted unladylike at the thought, Trinity giggling at my reaction.

"Don't worry, they will." I was going to make sure I picked the right husband who'd let me have a say in my own kingdom. Yeah, I'd meet his sexual needs, but at a price.

Trinity twirled me around in the chair, giving me a dimpled smile. "You look so beautiful, Serene. Hopefully Zeph will like it."

I felt a blush arise at the thought of Zeph.

He spent the better part of the day getting prepped for the occasion tonight, washed up and examined. Dad was still mad that I ran out of the house without his say so and on top of that will soon be bedding an Enigma. So I was stuck in my room for the afternoon, unable to see Zeph until dinner time in the dining hall. He looked dashing in a white dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top, and a pair of faded jeans. I could hardly keep my eyes off him, his hair pulled back into a ponytail showing off the piercing in his ears.

"He is very handsome, Serene," Trinity complimented with a forged swoon for affect. "Very good catch indeed."

"Even though he's Enigma?" I asked coyly.

She pursed her lips, looking down at me. "You'll have to sleep with an Enigma on Tuesday so you shouldn't feel so ashamed about it." She was right. I'd have to bed five princes this week (I'm not a whore, it's just tradition) and all of them from different kingdoms.


I stood up, looking in the mirror one last time. I wore a transparent white dress hugging my curves, waves of hair flowing down my shoulders and back, and my blue eyes dusted with hints of gold flecks. That was all the makeup I wanted, Trinity telling me it was sweat proof very provocatively, hinting at tonight.

The clock chimed seven.

"Alright, he should be here any minute," Trinity informed me. She gave me a hug, whispering "Good luck" before heading out the door and leaving me to ponder on my thoughts.

I've been told that Virginity Lost hurts for a while and I should have sex with him at least three times in a row to make sure my sexual stimuli is heightened and I won't be in pain when the Princes come. I couldn't shake this nervousness though. It's common, right? I've been taught everything there is to know about sex since I was twelve. Yet, my heart bustled at the thought of what Zeph and I would be doing.

A knock sprung on the door and I quickly stood up, adjusting my attire, composing myself so my anxiety wouldn't be visible. "C-come in." Did my voice just tremble? If it did, I disregarded it, debating too late if I should sit or stand. Or was I supposed to be lying on the bed?

The door opened and I inhaled deeply at the sight of Zeph, waltzing in determinedly in a white muscle shirt and faded jeans. I swallowed the lump in my throat. He really was handsome, his hair falling to his shoulders, his eyes peering through his strands like a curtain. He was broader than I thought with enough muscles to know he worked out but not too much. He closed the door behind him, leaning against it when it locked, staring at me through his midnight tress.

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