The Deathless Trilogy Fan Contest

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To celebrate the completion of The Deathless Trilogy, I will be hosting a fan contest from now until February 8, 2016 (Beatrice's birthday!).

Read below for all the details! :-D I hope to read/see your entries!

What kind of contest is this?

There will be two categories for this contest: fan art and fanfic! You choose! One or both, whatever you please.

What do I have to do to enter?

For fan art:

Create fan art related to The Deathless Trilogy. To submit your art, email it as an attachment to me at sarahperlmutterbooks[at]

Be creative and have fun!

For fan fiction:

Write a piece that is 1,000 words minimum inspired by The Deathless Trilogy. You can choose to write about any of the characters or any of the groups of people mentioned throughout the trilogy. As a fun challenge for those who have read and finished WE ARE WARRIORS, write about the next generation of Deathless (you'll know what I mean). To enter into the fan fiction category, you must upload your story to Wattpad and tag it with #DeathlessFanFic.

When do the pieces of art and pieces of fan fiction need to be submitted?

All works to be considered in this contest MUST be submitted by Monday, February 8, 2016 at 11:59pm.

Why this date? Because I always imagined this date being Beatrice's birthday (why? I don't know).

So... in other words... your works are due by Beatrice's birthday! :-)

What's in it for us? What do we win?

The top prize in both categories (fan art and fanfic) will include:

-Promotion of your work through my website, facebook page, Wattpad account, twitter account, and Pinterest page.

-A dedication in WE ARE WARRIORS

The top prize in fanfic will include:

-A free chapter critique of whatever work you'd like! :-D

EVERYONE who enters will receive:

-For Fanfic Entries: Recognition on my Wattpad page (to be featured in a Reading List just for you!), and promotional tweets about your stories.

-For Fan Art Entries: Your work featured on my website, my pinterest account, and my facebook page.

-My everlasting gratitude and appreciation

Sounds cool, but what are the legal mumbo-jumbo things?

Since The Deathless Trilogy is copyrighted, you cannot claim the characters or text as your own. However, I do allow (and encourage) fan fiction, especially since the world of The Deathless Trilogy is so wide open and ready to explore.

When you upload your story, categorize it as 'Fan Fiction', and make sure to leave a note in your story description citing The Deathless Trilogy (I AM DEATHLESS) as the original text. If you use text in your fan art, make sure to use quotation marks around the text.

Other than that, you retain rights to your works (as long as they are attributed to the original text and the original author, me :-D).

However, by submitting to this contest (especially for fan art), you give me permission to post your fan work on my personal website, my pinterest account, my instagram account, the fan instragram account @we_are_deathless, my facebook page, my twitter account, and/or my Wattpad page.

Any questions?

Feel free to PM me or ask me in the comments here! :-)

Thank you, fans! You're all the best! <3

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