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"Run!" I screamed to myself. My legs were burning with the need to stop but, I couldn't. If I stopped now it would be much worse than my legs aching. So I sped through the woods without light nor water. My tongue felt as though it were a desert and my taste buds were travelers drinking up all my saliva that was once present. Although I was sweating, it was freezing cold out. In the distance I could here yelling and it seems as though the guards have given up on finding me. They still could be searching but I needed a break so, I stopped but just to be safe I climbed up the nearest tree which happened to have very low branches for easy climbing. I climbed to the top and harnessed myself to a branch with my belt that was issued to me. I heard footsteps below but was too frightened and tired to look  to see if it was them. Then a loud crack seemed to come from my tree. But I knew it wasn't the branch I was lying on. I unstrapped myself and was, in a way, guarding myself. A face suddenly popped up next to mine. A loud screech was sent from my mouth.

"Shush!" whispered a husky voice that somehow sounded childish. "My name is Noah, I am one of the security guards but I was following you because I wanted to tell you how I'm totally against this imprisoning you guys to do all this work. I'm just a guard because I need the money and this job has a great pay!" blabbered Noah. He then took a huge gulp of air, this was normal considering how talkative he was.

I stood there silent for a moment on my branch taking all this information in when I heard another loud crack and Noah went tumbling down. 

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