Chapter thirteen

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Train turned up the volume on the car radio so that one of Speaker Knocker's, a deceased rapper that Train really loved, hit single "Married to the Money" could blow throw the car's speakers.

Train nodded his head to the song as he sang along. Tamel sat beside him on the passenger side looking at him and shaking his head.

Charmaine was in the backseat in her own thoughts. She still wasn't totally hip to the idea of being back in Brooklyn especially dealing with Tamel again. In her mind, Tamel was the reason all of this was happening.

She just stayed silent in the background while Tamel and Train did what they did best: cover shit up. Tamel had someone come and dispose of the men including Tone that had invaded Lushus' apartment. Charmaine didn't know how they did it since she had to stay in the closed room with a heated Lushus while things got organized.

After everything was done, Train knocked on the door and told the ladies to come out the room and that the situation was handled. And not much to Charmaine's surprise, everything was back to normal while back to the mess she first walked into. All the violators were gone and everything was put back in its messy place.

Tamel didn't much say a word to Charmaine since he popped up behind Tone and got the drop on Tone's goon squad. It happened so fast, at first, this guy named Tone came in with some other hoodlums, started stomping Train and trying to detain the females. Charmaine struggled with her accoster while Lushus was damn near going blow for blow with her attacker before he managed to get a good grip on her arms and put them behind her.

Then Tamel appeared out of nowhere pointing a firearm at the Tone character and causing Tone's boys to release the ladies. Train took over from there, grabbing the gun he dropped and pistol whipping all the hooligans like a madman. Tone, Train saved for last and Train made Tone pay for getting the drop on him.

Charmaine spaced out for a minute doing the whole ordeal for some reason until she heard Train yelling at her to go in the bathroom while he and Drama handled the invaders. Lushus pushed Charmaine in the bathroom and she stayed there until she heard shots then she ran out to see what happened.

Tamel still didn't understand why Charmaine was still coming but Train insisted. Tamel and Train had a whole argument before they left while they also dealt with Lushus. Lushus was still explaining about what happening and that she was tired of dealing the problems that Train and Tamel were having. Tamel threw a couple of dollars at her to keep her quiet with promises of more if she would keep her mouth shit but Tamel knew that wouldn't last long. Lushus was a gossiper by birth. That money only brought him a head start.

Tamel had brought a Toyota Cressida that looked plain and inconspicuous. It was decided that they were used that to drive where they needed to go. Tamel spoke to his disposal unit one last time before they left and told them what to do with the bodies. Train didn't get any more information from the henchmen Tone brought with him so they were of no use either. Tamel just told his disposal unit to make sure Tone and his men were put somewhere that couldn't be traced back to them. It seemed to be understood what that meant even though the other guys Tone brought were still alive at the time.

Train spotted a Mix Cd on one of the dressers and it had his favorite artist name, Speaker Knockers, on the CD slip card that the CD came in. He slipped it in his pocket. He kissed a still yelling and very heated Lushus on the cheek before he left the apartment with Charmaine in tow. Lushus was looking for something to throw at him but Tamel came up to her with the monetary proposition.

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