Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to all of my fans who actually (and surprisingly) waited over a year for me to update. Your messages and comments really do mean a lot to me. I never found them annoying, I found them moving that you loved my writing that much. Thank you - Nix <3

Chapter twenty-two

[Derrek's POV]

I dragged my feet as I walked into the bigger classroom for Elemental Skills. I still could not fathom why Mr Obsidian wanted us to attend these classes with the Elementals. If there was anything else we could find out from them then I could understand his reasoning, but it had been months of knowing them and as odd as it was to think, we were on the same side. Both Abled and Elemental were against Malum and his Deviants... and Cara, I silently added. There was no way that they would switch sides or try to hide anything when Cara was under Malum's control and they desperately wanted her back.

I looked up and was surprised to see that Colin was sitting on a desk that had been pushed to the side and swinging his legs back and forth as though he'd been waiting for a while. "Colin?"I heard Val ask from beside me.

Colin jumped off the desk and waved happily as he walked towards us. "Hey guys, this is exciting isn't it?"

"What is?" I asked perplexed.

"Mr Obsidian asking us to join in with the Elementals today! I mean, it's different seeing them in action from afar during Combat so having this one-on-one training should be interesting, right man?" Colin replied with a grin as he looked over at the Elementals.

"Right... interesting. I've had more than enough experience training with them but I guess I can see what you mean." Colin had his arms crossed over his black t-shirt that read 'Conspiracies = Life' and I chuckled at the slogan. He'd always been a little on the odd side, open to all ideas and believing them all. As I mulled over that thought, an idea hit me and I saved it for after class.


"That. Was. Epic!" Colin practically gushed as he punched the air after Elemental Skills was finished. Colin had been more than eager to volunteer for as much as he could during class and he looked as though he was running purely on adrenaline. His eyes were constantly stretched wide and his smile was almost as contagious as his mood. "I hope I get to join in again for the next class!"

His clothes were a little torn in places but because he'd mastered the art of turning into a Rock-being he was in mint condition and totally unharmed – one of the many reasons I'm sure Mr Obsidian chose him to join in the class. Colin wasn't afraid of the Elementals, he was open minded and from what I heard he was top of his classes.

"Colin, mind if I have a word?" I called out slowing down my pace to fall behind the rest of the group. Colin nodded while Val stopped and looked at me oddly and I threw her a smile and nodded down the hallway, "I'll catch you with you later Tadpole, I just wanted to talk to Colin."

She smiled back with a short shrug and walked away with the others while Colin walked back to me. "Everything alright?"

I looked around and made sure no one else was around to overhear. "Listen, what I need to ask you can't be repeated. You got it?" Colin raised a brow in interest and curiosity, but nodded. "There's a secret, old Stinger's lounge that we happened to come across a while back but Mr Obsidian closed it off. I want to get back in there but it's all blocked off by rock..."

Realisation dawned on Colin's face and he lowered his voice while seriousness coloured his face. "So, you want me to open up a secret Stinger's lounge that the dean had purposely closed off, while potentially getting myself in trouble?"

The Elementals: The Rise of the DeviantsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang