Chapter 7

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Chapter seven

Excitement and a dash of nervousness coursed through my veins as I placed the small jewellery box onto her lap. Her smile alone made some of the nervousness disappear but I still wondered whether she’d like it or not, hell she better like it, I went through hell to get Blake to cooperate in helping me with it. She eagerly opened the case and gazed down at the golden chain necklace with the frozen purple flame encased in a golden cage and I saw her eyes widen at my present to her.

Silence filled the room as she silently traced her finger over the tiny cage. “Purple... I always thought purple meant you felt calm?”

I smiled down at her. “Tadpole, have you never noticed that my flames are only ever purple with you?” I cocked my head to the side smirking at her with amusement. Surely she would’ve realised that? “Purple means love”

Her eyes widened, “Sparky... your fire’s been purple with me since I found out you were Fire-abled”

“I know” I stared down at her, smiling when her lips widened to mirror mine when I felt a sharp smack on the side of my head. “What the...?”

My head rapped sharply again and I tore my eyelids open just as I whacked the side of my head once more. “What the hell is going on?” I moaned as I sat up from the front passenger seat and rubbed at the side of my head that kept hitting the window.

“Sorry man” Cameron apologised. “The road’s nothing but dirt and there’s nothing but ditches and potholes everywhere. It’s been a very bumpy ride for the past few minutes”

I nodded and yawned loudly just as I felt my jaw crack slightly. I rubbed harshly at my eyes, my dream already disappearing. I felt the golden cage of Val’s necklace lightly hit my chest underneath my t-shirt with every bounce of the car and felt a pang of anger. This was taking far too long and I was beginning t hate myself all over again for waiting so long before we left the campus to go searching for the girls. If I’d only decided to leave earlier, even by one day, we’d be closer to finding Val and Cara as well as have Sophia and Bree to help us.

I glanced backwards and saw that Helena and Blake were fast asleep in the back and I slumped back into my seat. It was already morning. I had no idea how long I’d slept for and how long Cameron had been driving but I know that it was a few hours at the very least. “

“Where are we now?” I croaked.

“Should be at this ghost town any moment”

I stared up at Cameron. His eyes were bloodshot and deep shadows dug themselves beneath his eyes and I could tell that only half his appearance was due to driving all night. He missed Cara, he was worried about her. I didn’t blame the guy! Malum had kidnapped our girlfriends... well my ex-girlfriend... and turned our worlds upside down.

“How long was I out for?”

Cameron shrugged while yawning widely himself before answering. “No idea. But Helena and I swapped over around two this morning”

I glanced back at Helena again. “She’s really gone far hasn’t she? She’s getting more confident and stronger with her own abilities since everything happened down in the caves”

Cameron nodded. “I have no idea what she was like before I met her, but from what I’ve heard there’s a big difference between then and now”

“She was... You may not have noticed but Earth-ableds aren’t a big fan of violence and killing. They’re like the hippies of the Abled society. I guess losing a friend really hit her hard”

Silence fell over us as Cameron continued to drive. The sky outside was riddled with grey clouds and not an inch of blue could be seen. The sea of dry grass waved from either side of the dirt road and I noticed that it had begun to thin out the further we drove. After a few more minutes Cameron slowed down and we found ourselves parked in front of an abandoned town with a large broken down factory standing at the back.

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