Chapter 23

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Chapter twenty-three

[Val's POV]

"You look horrible," I blatantly noted as Derrek entered my apartment and kissed the side of my head.

"Thanks, you look beautiful." He smirked as he fell heavily onto the sofa beside me. For the past week I would find Derrek looking over the same water damaged books, reading the same things and trying to make out what was barely legible. After he explained to me how he managed to retrieve the books I brought my dad's books to his apartment and we both would read over them, hopefully trying to connect some sort of information.

To be honest, I didn't want to. I didn't want to know more about Stingers and try to understand them. In all honesty I wanted to get as far away from them and anything to do with them as possible, with the exception of my dad's books – but that was more for sentimental purposes than actually finding information. I would find myself just staring at the words, not really seeing them, because I just couldn't handle the thought of their abilities. It made me wonder too much about the abilities that were forced on me last year, the feel of hatred and rage that seemed to come along with it. I tried to forget about how I had even used them, and the thought of the pain that I seemed to like causing someone else.

I gulped and took a deep breath. I looked up to see a slight crease between Derrek's eyebrows as he re-read the History book once again. I could, and yet couldn't, understand why he'd want to know as much as he could about the history of the Abled and even Stingers themselves, but not to the point that he had to pour over the books every day. He said he felt as though something was missing, but to me the 'something missing' was Malum's mind. Malum had completely lost the plot and that was the reason all this was happening, not from something in the past.

"Derrek... maybe you should just give up looking through these books? Even for tonight. I feel like we never get to spend actual time together. All this time spent on reading about the Stingers is making me sick." I said softly. It was true too, the thought of Stingers made me slightly nauseous.

Derrek looked up, his eyes seeming a little blurred out, then gave his head a little shake. He pulled an apologetic face and shut the book with a snap. "Sorry Tadpole, I just can't help the feeling that-"

"...something's missing. I know." I smiled grimly, "But we've gone over new and old information and there's nothing to connect to Malum and why he'd want to create the Deviants or even why he seems intent on getting to me. It's been days since we've heard anything from Mr Obsidian about Malum, maybe the scout returned to him and they decided it wasn't worth it...?" That I wasn't worth it, I silently added in my head.

The look that flitted across Derrek's eyes made it obvious he didn't believe that for a second, but he nodded anyway and lightly tossed the books onto the coffee table. "Let's for a walk. Get some fresh air."

Ever since the Deviant was spotted lurking in the forest, Mr Obsidian had banned anyone from leaving the campus. He discouraged walking the campus alone if it could be helped, and I would occasionally see him popping his head into some of our classes before leaving again without a word. Derrek and I took the stairs down instead of the elevator and walked in comfortable silence. As we continued to walk down soft echoes reached our ears and we slowed our steps, curiously listening to what seemed like an angry whispered discussion.

"-worked for us! Why, why do you keep refusing to do the same for her?!" Cameron's familiar voice angrily questioned.

"For two main reasons, Cameron. One, when we transported you all with us from the Stinger hideout back here we didn't do it consciously. It was a matter of pure adrenaline and we aren't even sure if we can do it again without something terrible happening to her." Chimera's voice replied sternly.

The Elementals: The Rise of the DeviantsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora