Chapter 1 ^.^

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(BEFORE WE START!!!!! I've seen a TON of people still reading and commenting which is AMAZING, but I want you all to know that this book was written in 2013!!! I was 12-13 years old. I'm now 19, and I now understand what punctuation is and why it's needed, and I'm also more aware now that life isn't quite THIS crazy. But as you see spelling or grammar errors, just know that I was barely a teenager. I was only trying to work through things that I was experiencing at the time and trying to make sense of it all. And while this book is more of a dramatic and unbelievable soap opera, it is one of my favorite things that I've ever done. I no longer have the friends that these characters were based on, and my life is entirely different. But I love that 6 years later I can look back and see all the lives I've changed and people I've helped. Thank you for reading, thank you for being patient with my 13 year old knowledge of the English language, and most importantly, get ready for a roller coaster ride.)

I woke up to the barking of my huge ass dog, Cocoa. She was a boxer and black lab mix and, much like me, she didn't take shit from anybody.

"Ah shaddap." I said "I'm getting up."

I sat up and stretched up my arms as I yawned, checked my phone and threw my legs over the side of the bed, phone in hand. I had a text from Kalel, "If you're wondering where I am when you wake up, I'm on a date with josh."

Now josh... I approved of him, been with her since she was 14. Sure he was 17 dating a 14 year old but who cares? A lot of people actually...It was kind of illegal. But we didn't care, We were 14 for gods sake. I remember me and her would sit and talk about their future, their wedding, their kids. All that stuff, and it was fun. I'm happy she found a guy like him, but I still think love is stupid. Josh had brown medium length hair with snake bites and he had Kalels name tattooed on his wrist at the time. I'd say he's pretty good looking for one of those "emo boys".

I got up, brushed my hair and pulled it back into a high pony tail.

I padded into the living room to see Kat sitting on the couch with her coffee. So I sat there staring at her contemplating whether I wanted coffee or not. She turned around and noticed me standing there but I continued to stare.

"Something you need?" She said laughing a bit

"I don't know if I want coffee or not."

"Well there's plenty more in the pot if you want it.'

"Hmm, yes. I think I do." I said

"Dork." She said laughing

"SHADDUP!" I yelled

"LOVE YOU!" she yelled back

I walked into the kitchen and poured my coffee spilling some of it.

"Shit.." I said under my breath

I then heard Kat chuckling behind me

"Need some help there?" She said still laughing.

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically.

We talked some more about stuff until we heard the door open. Kalel entered the room with a huge smile and a shopping bag.

"Well, someone's happy." I said sipping my coffee

She nodded her head violently, still smiling.

"Okay, chill on the happy pills girl."

"I CAN'T!" she screamed jumping up and down.

"Why? what happened on the date?"

"Okay," She sighed, "So we went to breakfast, and when he was walking me here he asked if It would be okay if he could live here... With us..."

I'll Fight back ( A Brendon Urie FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum