Chapter 14

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One month later

I was sitting in Brendons lap watching tv when I heard my phone go off in his room. I ran to get it and walked back to the room answering it.


"Alex? Oh god... I'm so sorry.. I didn't think this was gonna happen."

"Hey calm down babe what's wrong." As soon as I said babe Brendon snapped his head around

"It's Kat, calm down babe." I said to him, laughing as he relaxed.

"I'm so sorry oh my god..." She said. I could hear her crying

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant..." She said sniffling

I screamed at the top of my lungs dropping the phone onto the couch. Brendon grabbed my phone as I was hyperventilating.

"What's going on?" He asked "Oh my god! Okay she'll call you back later I've got to help her before she passes out" he said hanging up the phone. He wrapped me in his arms, calming my anxiety attack. 

He kept whispering in my ear that it would be okay and that she would be fine and I didn't believe him, my baby girl is pregnant, what am I suppose to do? She is 18! what about her classes? College? How is she gonna get a good job?

"Babe?" I said


"I'm tired" I said

"Okay" he said picking me up bridal style and carrying me to his room, gently setting me down and coming to lay next to me.

"Thank you." I said dosing off

"You're welcome, I love you" he said rubbing rubbing my back while I was laying on his chest.

"I love you too" I said, finally falling asleep

*three hours later*

I woke up to Brendon looking down at me smiling

"Hi." I said smiling and yawning as he continued to look at me.

"Watcha doin?" I asked

"You're just so beautiful and peaceful when you sleep."

"Aw," I said as I kissed him, "Thank you"

"You're welcome." he said then I remembered, Kat is pregnant. I grabbed my phone and called her.

"Hello?" She said it sounded like she had been crying

"I want you and Danny here now."

"Are you su-"

"Yes. Get here. Now." I said and hung up

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. I ran to open it.

"Hey." Kat said nervously holding Danny's hand

"Couch. Now." I said stepping aside for them I come in

"Okay." they said walking over to the couch, with me closing the door and following them to the couch.

I sat down and began the conversation

"Okay, Brendon and I talked and we are willing to watch the kid while you're at school, because you sure as hell are not dropping out."

"Thank you." She said looking down at her hands

"And you, asshole who got my baby pregnant, where do you work?"

"I have a band"

"Put your band to the side and get a job"

"Okay" he said nodding

"And if this asshole leaves you, which I hope he doesn't, and for the sake of his life, he better hope he doesn't, me and Brendon will help raise him okay?"

"Okay, thank you." she said loosening up a bit

"Now come here." I said gesturing for a hug and her shortly accepting it.

Three pregnant women... Great..

*Okay so who's still listening to miss Jackson on repeat? ME THATS WHO! I think I need help okay bye*

I'll Fight back ( A Brendon Urie FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang