Chapter 21

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I heard a honk out side and looked to to see Brendon in the driveway. Here we go.

"Alright here we go, bye guys" I said waving to them and walking out. I ran down the sidewalk to the car and hopped in.

"Hia babe!" I said kissing him

"Someone's happy" he said.

"You bet your ass I am. Because I feel so much better about telling you now." I said, lying through my teeth.

"Oh yeah you have to tell me what happened last night."

"Yep! But we have to get home first, you can't be driving when I tell you"

"Okay.." He said with a weird look

"I don't want you to crash. You'll probably be pretty mad..."

"Did you cheat on me with Caleb?"

"No! Well I don't think I cheated... And Caleb's gay babe."

"What do you mean you don't think you cheated?" He asked pulling into our driveway

"I'll explain when we get inside."

"Okay" he said getting out of the car and starting to walk up the sidewalk. I ran to him and grabbed his hand. He opened the door and walked in. I lead him by his hands to the couch, sitting down we turned to face each other. I put my hand on his thigh and sighed.

"Okay are you ready?"


"You can't get mad and you especially can't get mad at me."

"Okay." he said nodding

I sighed. I wasn't ready to tell him.

"Okay last night I went out with Caleb and my phone died in the middle of it so I decided to walk home. Well when I got to the end of the block someone grabbed me and took me to that motel and.. sexually assaulted me." I said feeling tears come to my eyes

"What!? Who!?" He asked standing up

"Please calm down, I don't want to tell you while you're like this."

"How can I calm down when some guy raped my girlfriend!?" He said sitting down ad grabbing my hand "I love you so much.." He said. I saw tears coming to his eyes.

"Okay, it was Danny..."

"I want him here, now"

"I'll call him up, just please calm down."

"Okay I'll try" he said sitting down ad brushing through his hair with his fingers.

I texted Kat and got Danny's number and called it.

"Hello?" He said.

"Danny? It's Alex. Brendon... Wants you to come over..."

"Fuck.." I heard him mumble away from the phone.

"I'd hurry if I were you, he looks like he did in the Miss Jackson music video" I said looking over at him

"Shit. Okay, I'll be there in a little bit."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up the phone and sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"He said he'll be here in a bit" I said. Brendon then stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on my head.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't there for you last night. Instead I got drunk with my friends. I could of helped you." He said. I heard he voice breaking and I felt warm tears drop on my head

"Brendon, babe, I don't think anything could have stopped him. Really it all leads back to me. I didn't charge my phone and I chose to walk home."

"Well, I can promise you that you will never get hurt like that again" he said now holding the sides of my face brushing my cheeks with his thumbs. He gently kissed me then rested his forehead on mine.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered as I felt his breath on my lips.

"I love you." I said looking into his eyes

And then there was a knock at the door

*kay if you want to see the characters I put them on my twitter c: @kirbuscus*

I'll Fight back ( A Brendon Urie FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt