Chapter 25

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I was laying on the couch eating ice cream and watching Pokemon. Thinking about how I was gonna tell Kalel and Kat that I'm pregnant with Danny's baby. It'll be hard, especially to tell Kat, because technically our kids will be siblings. I mean it's not really a bad thing but then it's up to her if she wants to tell her kids about it. I don't really want to, because then I have to tell my kid that I got raped, and that Brendon isn't his or her real father.

"Hello my beautiful lovely amazing girlfriend." Brendon said walking through the door smiling.

"You're too happy..." I said "Did you cheat on me with Dallon?" I asked suspiciously.

"No...okay maybe a little bit."

"Brendon!" I yelled smacking him and laughing with my mouth full of ice cream.

"Joking joking" he said laughing. "I'm just exited." He said looking at me

"And why's that?" I said shoveling another spoon of ice cream into my mouth.

"We'll there's the new album, and the baby coming an-"

"You're exited about the baby? Even though its not yours?"

"Of course. I don't give a shit if the baby isn't mine I will love it no matter what." He said smiling as he put a hand on my barely showing stomach.

"This shit is why I love you." I said looking at him.

"I love you too. Aren't you exited?"

"Of course!" I assured him "I just wished we were married and that it was your kid and we had a big enough house to go get my puppy, I bet coco is driving Kat crazy. She's terrified of dogs."

"I'll tell you what, later we can go pick up your dog. And we can search for a new and bigger house."

"Okay!" I said smiling

"But first I have to run and get something." He said jumping up and running to our room. A minute later he came out looking no different than he did before. He was smiling like crazy though. He kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand.

"Alex, I love you so much, and I meant to do this weeks ago but with all the shit that's been going on I haven't been able to. This was supposed to be in a fancy restaurant but here will have to do because I can't wait any longer. So here goes. You're my best friend. And I wanna be with you forever. Literally forever." He said. I felt tears stinging my eyes as he pulled out a box and opened it for me to see a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" He finally asked. I nodded violently tears running down my face as I jumped into his arms.
"Yes! Of course!" I mumbled into his ear. He slammed his lips into mine

"I love you." He whispered resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too." I whispered back as he slipped the ring on my finger.

"Now lets go get your dog."

•sorry it's been so long I gots writers block. But I got on and saw that I hAD 600+ READS HOLY SHIAAT! so as a tHANK YOU SO FUCKIN MUCH I decided to write a chapter for yous! Love you guys. <3 BUH BYE.•


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