Chapter Six

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Last chapter I didn't put up any side image or music :S I've been so busy recently, it's so crazy ! I'm sorry guys :( But, regular music + side image from now on :D Since, you guys really likee it!:)

I deleted my other story Tears. I might put it back up once I finished this story. I've realised I want to work on one story, get it finished then carry on with any other I have in mind. Which, seriously I do (: ^.^

Anyways here is another chapter of Don't Let Me Go.

The song is Digital Suicide Lullaby - Really loving that song :D


Is that distracting? ^_^ Haha. Anyways seriously. -.-


Aiden was watching me from the window. He obviously wasn't liking the fact I was getting rides from my teacher. I sighed, walking behind him as he took me upstairs into his room. 

"Look, I don't even see what's so bad," I said flopping onto his little chair placed in the corner. Aiden's head shot towards me, he raised an eyebrow.

"You're don't see what's so bad about it? I can sit here telling you..."

"Um, no thank you," I said shaking my head. Not one of Aiden's lectures. God, save me.

"I don't want people thinking you two are going out."

"No one is going to see us," I stated the obvious, smirking.

"What if someone does?"

"Stop thinking the negative, okay? Nothing is going to happen. He gives me rides because he cares. I have an awesome teacher for once. Leave him alone."

"Bet you're going to fall from him."

"Fall for him?" I asked.

"Like... love." 

"Oh my days. What do you take me for? A slag who likes her teacher?"

"No!" Aiden quickly replied, looking shocked. "Why would I ever think you're a slag? You're beautiful."

"No I'm not."

"Besides, your life seems perfect. You have such a lovely family, and ugh..." His voice trailed away. I felt tears building up in my eyes. He was so wrong... so very wrong. I wish I could tell him everything now, it was the perfect moment. "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" I jumped a little.

"Why are you crying?"

I snorted. "I'm not crying."

"The water in your eyes."

"Stop staring at my eyes!" I slapped his arms slightly. I couldn't say it. I just couldn't. I wanted to keep this to myself. He was going to hate me. I wanted to go... Go far away from this place. I wanted to be free, where my mind is at peace.

"I'm not staring!" Aiden muttered.

Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket. I sighed, pulling it out. Callum was calling. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Come home now."

"What? Why? I'm at Aiden's."

"Mum needs you."

Don't Let Me Go (Student X Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now