Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to My Dad :) ♥ Even though you prefer me not to write, I love you :)

Song: Avril Lavigne - Smile. :D It suits this story, so much! I realised whilst listening to it and making this chapter. ♥

Also - School is starting up tomorrow & I'm going into hospital next week so let's just say there won't be an upload all of next week :( But, that just makes this chapter super duper long. Wahee!!!!

2,000 reads on this story. Ah-mazing guys! Love you's ♥

If you enjoyed this, then make sure you check out my other story: The Change. I'm still waiting for a good response to carry on the story. It's about a player story with a HUGE twist. Trust me. It's not like your normal story. So, please be sure to check it out.

Besides thatt - let's finally get into the story. :)


Aiden seemed far and distant in school. He refused to talk to me or Alison, and he always seemed to want to be alone. I was like that for a long time, when my depression first kicked in. For some reason, I'd just prefer being alone or with upbeat people otherwise I'd kill myself.

I tried to get him to talk to me, but decided it was best if he wanted to be on his own for a while. I'd just get in contact with him later when he was better. Alison was head over heels for a player in school, didn't even know his name. Taylor? Matt? Ryan? One of them anyway.

I didn't know how to convince her not to get between their ways. They just meant trouble, and more trouble. And if they hurt Alison, I would break their balls and make them eat it. Okay, too much visual image. Not a good thing.

Jay was being a total sweetheart about my dad and said it was going to be okay, but I really wasn't looking forward to it. Today, after school, I have to go and see my dad at home. I wonder if he really is moving on, it is a huge step.

Alison was walking through the playgrounds, eating a biscuit. She was wearing the shortest clothes for her crush to see her.

"What's his name, anyway?" I asked, whilst eating on the pizza. She looked at me as if that was a crime to ask, and slapped my shoulders. "Ow," I muttered quietly.

"Don't you know?" 

"Well, if I knew I wouldn't ask. Would I?" I said, a bit moody at her approach at me because of some boy who was going to break her heart.

"Taylor!" She exclaimed. "I thought you were lying!"

"No, I seriously don't know his name."

"How comes not?"

"Because I don't stalk jerks and find out their names. Dude," I muttered.

"He's in your class."

A moment of awkward swept over my face. "Oh."

"Exactly. You are so late!" She said, slapping my shoulder again. This time I felt like slapping her on the face, and if it wasn't for the jerk. Oh, Taylor to come and tap me from behind I would have done it.

I turned around slowly, facing him. "What?" I asked nicely, at first. I knew exactly how to deal with people like these. I could feel Alison holding her breath besides me.

"I'd like to introduce myself -" He started.

"Your name is Taylor. Don't get me wrong, I figured it out today. Okay? Good? You are in my class. I also figured that out today."

His face screwed up in confusion. I could see Alison's hard nudge next to me. She cleared her throat. "Excuse her, she's just a little tipsy today."

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