Chapter Fifteen

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  • Dedicated to Sam, please.. For me? ♥

"I'm surprised your mum even let you go," I said, looking in the mirror whilst I pulled my hair back. Alison was at my house, which has never happened before. Her mum hated me, it wasn't even for much of a reason. She just thought I was a bad influence and didn't want me around her. But, for some reason she let her come to mine before the party. Maybe, she was in a good mood.

"Yeah, me too. I was scared even asking her." She mumbled, touching up the last of her powder. "And I'm just glad we're friends again."

I grinned at her as I straightened the end of my hair. I hated it when it got curly, and for this party I wanted it to be dead straight. "Me too. But, you shouldn't be scared of your mum."

"Oh, you know how protective she is," she said, laughing as she put the MAC powder down and then looked in the mirror at herself. She was gorgeous. She had decided to go with a purple dress, she had her hair straight for a change -- it looked bloody wonderful on her. It took an hour exactly to do, though. That was a painful wait at the hairdressers.

Her eyes were covered in beautiful colours of purple, and outlined in thick deep black eyeliner. She added heaps of mascara, and a pretty pink lips. On the other hand, I was going for a black top, and a leather skirt that made my curves look good. I hadn't gone overboard with my makeup. I just had a little bit of eyeliner, quite a lot of mascara and pretty light lips.

 "Yes, I do. But still. I was never scared of my mum."

Alison froze. "Don't you have a new mum?"

"Step mum. She's never going to be a new mum Ali," I said sighing. I straightened the last of my hairs, it didn't take long as it was already straight. Just... wavy at the bottom. 

"Right." She said, taking a pause through her words. "Sorry."

"No problem," I grinned at her. We were both finished, and sitting on my bed. I dialled up Aiden. I had given up my stupid stubborn ways, he was driving us to the party after all. Lucky, he got his own car already. 

He picked up after a few rings. "Hey."

"When are you coming?" I asked, tapping my foot then realising we still needed to get our shoes from the living room. Me and Ali had gone shopping, purple pumps for her whilst I wore black leather boots which really went well with my outfit.

"Um, I'll be there in 15."

"Right. See you then," I said hanging up before he could reply with anything like: 'I love you' , really wasn't bothered to listening to all that right now. Ali looked at me, and then signalled to go downstairs.

Becca and Gary (dad's name) I've refused to call him dad from now on, were not home. They went for a holiday for 2 days in Italy. Couldn't be more glad. While they're gone, Callum is trying to find an apartment for us.

We went into the kitchen, getting water but being careful not to ruin our lipstick. Giggling like idiots, we jammed out to One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful. I loved that song, and it was time I had some girl time.

I put my shoes on, and then waited at the door. When the small Toyota Yaris pulled up, we ran out grabbing our seats. We both sat at the back, in front sat Aiden and the biggest player ever- Taylor. Sadly, he was Aiden's friend. He's tried hitting on me so many times, and it breaks Ali's heart everytime. She had her own boyfriend about a month ago, but they broke up because he had to move away.

Now, she found a crush and he's the player. Great. Will her love ever be right? I felt so sorry for her, but I felt sorry for myself. Being stuck between a teacher who I loved and my stupid jealous best friend. How do I ever find my way out?

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