Chapter One

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Matt walked down the empty, quiet street. This evening the street felt eerie. There wasn't a soul to be seen on the street. It was unusual but Matt didn't mind. He didn't mind that people weren't there to look at him like he was the devil or the plague that was spreading across the town. 

A gentle breeze swept through the street, taking remaining autumn leaves with it. Matt tugged at his jacket closer to him, the winter chill creeping through him.

It was always a long walk to the cemetery but Matt never minded it. He found it calming, a way for him to clear his thoughts although his thoughts hadn't been clear for almost six months now.

Matt looked up at the sky. The sun was beginning to set, colouring the sky with an orange that mixed with the dark blue, creating purple clouds. Behind the clouds, peering through was the moon. He loved the evening. He found it to be the most peaceful time of the day. 

He reached the cemetery, opening the cold gate and walked in. He walked between the tombstones with ease as this was a place he was all too familiar with.

He reached the tombstone he was looking for and sat on the cold ground beneath him, looking directly at the tombstone.

"Here lies Amelia Wilder.
Loving wife and mother."

"Hi mom." He whispered to the tombstone. He smiled weakly. "I always find it funny that I talk to a tombstone when you're actually right beneath me." He looked down at the grass, pulling at it.

"Today has been just one of those days you know. Nothing's really changed. Everyone still hates me. I want to get out of here mom but I don't want to leave you. What should I do?"

He asked that same question everyday and even though he knew he would never get a reply, he asked anyways.

Matt was lost. He didn't know what to do with his life. Six months ago he came out as gay. Being in a small town, news spreads quickly. Being in a church loving town, no one really accepted him. His father, the pastor didn't banish him from home but he didn't speak to him either. When news came out that he was gay, most of his friends left him expect for Hannah. Hannah was his only remaining friend, the only remaining person to talk to him in this town.

Matt was still seventeen, he still needed a whole year of school to finish before he could leave but where would he leave to? He didn't have any money and it had been hard to try and find a job so he could save up and leave. He'd been searching for a while now but no one had been willing to give him a job. Hannah offered to give him some money that she was saving for college but he could never take her money like that. He could never take the money she worked hard work for.

Matt was lost. He didn't know what to do.

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