Chapter Five

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"So he works at the Café?"

"No, the bookstore." Hannah was a little too eager to find out that he had met someone new.

Matt and Thomas had spent hours at the Cafe talking. At first, Matt was hesitant but there was something welcoming and warm about Thomas. He felt safe and he couldn't remember the last time he felt like this.

Thomas didn't judge Matt for who he was when he found out that he is gay and Matt forgot what that was like to have someone not care what his sexuality was.

"I'm glad you met someone nice Matt. I mean it."

"I know Hannah. I'm just... you know... a little"

"Scared? You have every right to be and it's ok. I know since Colin left things haven't been any easier but making a new friend who's accepting of you is a good start."

Matt smiled at her. "You always know what to say." And it was true, she did always know what to say to him. He was so grateful that she never changed her mind about him after he came out. She didn't let the opinions of others change her thoughts and feelings of Matt.

There was a knock on the door and Hannah's mother peered through the door. "It's getting late you two. Will you be staying over Matt?"

Not many parents would be ok with a boy staying over with their daughter but with Matt coming out and Hannah's parents being close to his family, it was only natural that her parents wanted him to stay over and be with their daughter so he wouldn't be gay anymore. Matt knew that was the only reason she was ever so nice to him these past months.

"No, I won't. I was actually just leaving." He told her and she just smiled at him before she left.

He hugged Hannah goodbye and promised to message her if he and Thomas ever met up again.


Matt felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He saw he received a message from Thomas. A smile spread across his face as he read his message.

If it's not too late, do you want to meet up in the park? I have something for you. :)

He replied back and made his way to the park. Matt wasn't in any rush to get back home.

When he reached the park, he spotted Thomas sitting on the bench by a jasmine tree. A smile spread across Thomas's face as Matt approached him and took a seat beside him. Matt returned his smile.

"Hello," Thomas greeted him.

"Hi," Matt replied.

Thomas had his beanie tightly snug around his head and the park light was bright enough for Matt to see the freckles sprinkled across Thomas's face. His hazel eyes were filled with excitement.

"So after our chat the other day, I was at home listening to music as one does and I thought of you and decided to make you a mix. I would've shared you the link to playlist or something like that but I'm old school so I put it on a CD. Also you should know that they still make CDs. It was one of my many concerns when I walked into the store 'cause I thought 'what if they don't make CDs anymore? What if everything is digital these days?' Anyways, I'm rambling. Here."

Thomas handed him a CD and written on it was "To Make You Smile." A huge smile spread across his face at this gesture by Thomas. They'd only just met recently but he'd taken time out of his day and made something for him. This small little gesture meant so much to Matt than Thomas could ever imagine.

"Thank you so much Thomas. You have know idea how much this means to me." Thomas smiled.

"This song right here is my favourite. When you listen to it, call me so we can listen to it together."

And that is exactly what Matt did. He listened to mix on repeat. This gift by Thomas made Matt so happy, it made him scared that it wouldn't last 'cause after all, nothing lasts for Matt.

If you enjoyed, vote or comment. It means the world to me.

Also, I wanted to apologise for the lack of updates. I've been so busy this past month that I haven't had time to actually sit down and write. Hopefully I can get back on track with updating.

Also a quick thank you to everyone that has voted and commented. It means so much.

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