The Ultrasound

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This chapter is for Crazyreader91

Becuase every writer hopes they create a character that is truly appreciated by at least one reader


Chapter Thirteen: The ultrasound

            “It’s really nippy in here isn’t it?”

            “Uh huh.”

            “I’m freezing my blooming knickers off.”

            “We get it Jolene.”

            “I mean I can see your nubbies it’s so cold.”

            “Stop Jolene.”

            “It’s like your gigantic boobies are standing at attention, saluting all of the other mums in here.”

            “That’s enough Jolene!” I tossed down the magazine I was reading and walked over to the receptionist area. I looked over the tall counter just as Susie’s humongous eyes popped up at me.

            “Are you excited Ms. Boyd? Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?” she flashed all her teeth at me at once. “I see you brought lots of support.”

            Susie’s mirror size eyeballs turned in the direction of my now discarded magazine, where my mother, Jolene, and David all sat in silence. Well everyone but Jolene.

            “I haven’t really decided yet, do you know when they are going to call us in?” I was getting anxious sitting in the room avoiding the questions that lingered around us.

            I had made Jolene swear she wouldn’t quiz David on Alicia, my mom had promised not to ask David about my ex-fiancé and I had secretly promised myself not to ask David about anything.

            “Oh, let me see, can’t have our favorite single mommy waiting, can we?” I cringed as she sing songed the words and skipped behind the doors to check on the doctor.

I turned around and walked right into David.

            “What’s wrong Charlie?” I could tell by the look on David’s face that he had heard what the receptionist had said.

            I flushed with embarrassment as I tried to mutter a response. “I asked what was taking the doctor so long. The receptionist went to check.” I walked past him back to where my mother was seated and plopped myself down next to her.

            “You okay Charlotte?” It was comforting to hear my birth name without the hint of venom that accompanied it lately.

            “I’m okay mom, just tired.” I sighed and rested my head on my mother’s shoulder.

“I know sweetheart. It will all be over soon. Trust me, it’s all worth it.” I looked up at my mom’s kind honey colored eyes.

            My father and mother hadn’t even gotten upset when I called and told them. I was prepared for disappointment or a lecture on responsibility, but both my parents just offered themselves. My mother said she would come out as soon as she could and my father said they would help me with whatever I needed financially.

             Now sitting here, seeing the control I had lost over my life, my mother stood by me, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I reached out and pulled my mother close to me, hugging her tight.

Forgetting CharlotteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin