A little labor, a little epidural, and a lot of truth

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Chapter twenty-three: A little labor, a little epidural, and a lot of truth.

"Code Charlie! Code Charlie!" Jolene began running about the house in a well rehearsed circle as Michael stood in the doorway, staring at the puddle of fluid at my feet.

"Is that?" Michael's voice trailed off

"What?" I practically screamed as pain seized my midsection like a prize fighter punching away.

"Does that mean?" He whispered as his eyes slowly trailed up my hunched over body.

"Yes! It means I'm in labor. You can say the word Michael. Labor!" I was mid-yell when the last word caught in my throat as I struggled under another siege of pain.

Michael slumped to the floor just as Jolene came barreling through the doorway carrying my suitcase in one hand and her cell phone flailing about in the other.

"Come on now Charlie, chivvy along, I can't be carrying you as well!" Jolene grabbed my wrist as she juggled her cell phone between her shoulder and her ear, guiding me out to her car.

She tossed all the items she was carrying into the trunk of her very small car and then shoved me into the front passenger seat. Michael had peeled himself off the kitchen floor and was standing dumbstruck next to the back door, waiting on a cue from Jolene or me.

"Oh just get in already, I can't be waiting all day for you." Jolene sneered at Michael and jumped in the driver's seat, hastily inserting the car key and revving her engine.

Michael slowly lowered himself into the back passenger seat seconds before Jolene peeled out of the driveway.

"Make yourself useful wanker and call ahead to the Hospital." Jolene tossed her cell phone into the back seat and I heard a thud as it made contact with Michael's forehead.

I glanced in the rear view mirror after expecting a reaction and getting only silence. Michael had the phone to his ear but his face looked ghastly green and for a moment, in between the sharp pains possessing my stomach, I felt a tinge of sympathy.

"Michael, are you okay?" I asked as another contraction ripped through my midriff.

"Yes." He whispered back. Someone must have picked up the line because he began frantically speaking into the cell phone while I concentrated on keeping my torso from ripping apart.

I turned to Jolene who was maniacally staring at the roadway, scurrying through traffic like a rat on a mission.

"Don't you fret Charlie; I'll get you there before this little one decides to pop out. I'm not having my godson being born in a Prius!" She tapped my hand lightly and I began praying in between contractions.

Jolene swerved into the clearly marked ambulance parking and threw her car into park, sending both Michael and I tumbling back and forth. She jumped from the driver's side and ran through the glass doors into the hospital.

I heard Michael sigh and exit the rear seat. He opened my door and grabbed my hand, gently lifting me from the car. Another pain ripped through me forcing me to double over, hands on my hips as I stared at the floor.

"Do you want me to carry you Charlie?"

"No, just taking a quick look at the floor, nice shoes by the way." I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Come on Charlie, let's go have our baby." Michael lowered himself under my arm and walked with me forward as I attempted to grip my sides enough to allow me to stand up.

Jolene came running out just as we reached the entry doors. She was pushing a rickety looking wheelchair and was being pursued by several nurses.

"Ma'am!" I heard one of the nurses say out of breath as Jolene pushed the chair up to my face.

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