The first casualty

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Chapter Eighteen: The first casualty

"Charlie! You wanker! Get up! I can't be late; I'm not carrying a nine month excuse!" Jolene was pounding on my locked bedroom door as I hid under my covers.

Yesterday Jolene had to go to work so I was left in the hospital alone, alone to reminisce on my life at the moment. The good, the bad, and the scary.

I had called David yesterday but after apologizing a million times he told me he couldn't pick me up, but promised he would see me today for sure. He ended the call with another declaration of his love and it left me happy enough.

But today was different, today I had to go into work to face the music, today I had to face Alicia. Today I did not feel happy enough.

"Charlie, stop being a dramatic coward and get out here this instant" I could hear Jolene's frustrated pants as she pounded my door with her fist.

"I've decided to not go to work today. Thank you!"

The pounding stopped and I could almost envision my friend's eyes match the flaming red of her hair. "WHY?! Because of the skirt? For fucks sake Charlotte open this door!"


"Open this door or I'll..."

I heard my doorknob click and Jolene burst in holding the credit card she used to force my lock open high in her hand. She gave me an angry gaze before she stomped over to my closet and began tossing my clothes out violently.

"Charlotte Boyd you get up this instant! I have had quite enough of having to barge in here and tidy you up like you were a baby." A black moo moo looking dress flew out of the closet along with a pair of black ballet slippers.

I rolled into my blanket, hiding my face like a caterpillar. "Ugh! Can't I just wait till after I have the baby to go back?"

Jolene had made her way over to my dresser and was throwing undergarments at me. "Sure you can bird, if you don't mind returning as Alicia's minion. You fancy working for her after you pinched her man do ya?"

I looked up at Jolene who was looming over me, hands on her hip and irritated beyond belief.

"If by pinch you mean stole in your weird vocabulary." I waived at Jolene as her eyebrows knitted in anger. "I did not steal David; he's the one that told me he was in love with me!" I stood up and began changing in hopes it would keep Jolene from acting out the angry thoughts I could see running through her mind.

"Say whatever you want Charlie, you don't have to prove anything to me. That broad is a pain my bum so I could give two shakes as to what happened between her and David." Jolene grabbed the ballet slippers and placed them in front of me. "But if you think I'm going to let my best mate and mum of my future godson ruin her whole career over a beastly posh spice wannabe you are sorely mistaken."

Jolene took a step back and gave me a once over.

"There now, all set, let's get a move on then." She grabbed me arm and drug me out the door and into the car for the torturous ride to work.

When we arrived at the building Jolene again grabbed me by the arm and led me upstairs like a disobedient child. I cried the whole way up the elevator ride, desperately making up reasons why I had to return home, but Jolene's grip never relented. When we arrived at the office she anchored herself in between the elevator doors as I clung to the inside.

"Charlie--- let---- go." She huffed as she gave me one last tug and I came flying out of the elevator.

"Jolene you don't understand." I started to whine but Jolene stopped me midsentence with her raised palm. She stared hard into my eyes and raised her hand above her head. She pinched her fingers together and swung them back and forth upside down.

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