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Jimin's POV
"Min Yoongi, come to my office." I said over the speaker so all the team members outside of my office could hear.

Yoongi came in about 20 minutes later, "Yes... Sir?"

"What took you so long?" I looked up from my computer.

Yoongi shrugged, "I was napping a bit."

"This is work, you shouldn't be napping." I told him.

"I honestly don't care."

"I could fire you." I bluntly said, "Now can you print out the papers I sent you an hour ago. It's my schedule."

"Is that what you called me in for?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "You could have sent me an email to tell me that."

I rolled my eyes, "I did, an hour ago."

Yoongi didn't say another word, he just slipped out silently like he did nothing wrong.

About ten minutes later I got a phone call, "Mr. Park from the music department speaking." I answered.

"Where are you??" My boss, aka the ceo, Namjoon asked through the phone.

"I'm at my office... Why?"

"We have an important meeting and you are 5 minutes late. It was on the schedule I had to make for you." Namjoon told me.

"Sorry hyung..." I apologized and yes I was close to the CEO too. "I'll be there right away."

I hung up and quickly stood up, rushing out of my office, pulling Yoongi by the ear outside of the team office.

"Ow ow! What was that for?" Yoongi smacked my hand away.

"Why didn't you print out the papers I sent you?"

"I did." Yoongi said, rubbing his ear.

"But you didn't give it to me, that was my schedule and now I'm late to a meeting."

"Stop your nagging, you sound like a naggy wife." Yoongi whined.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Yoongi's wrist, "Let's just go." I said as he dragged Yoongi to the meeting place.

"Why do I have to go?" Yoongi asked, still being dragged.

"Because you're my secretary."

When they arrived, Namjoon accidentally broke his pencil, "Oops."

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked bluntly as they sat down at the table.

I hit Yoongi's arm and whispered in his ear, "Remember the list of people I gave you? He's the CEO."

"Oh. He's clumsy." Yoongi said out loud, not caring that Namjoon heard, "And why does he have pink hair if he's the CEO."

"Why do you have green hair if you're a secretary. And why does Jimin have orange hair?" Namjoon retorted.

"Cuz I don't care and Jimin... I don't know..." Yoongi shrugged.

The meeting started and Yoongi fell asleep making me have to wake him up and both of us got in trouble.

"Pabo, I can sleep if I want." Yoongi and I argued as we walked into the office.

"What happened with you guys?" Jin asked as Jungkook was sitting on Jin's desk drinking a juice box.

"Yoongi fell asleep during the meeting and got us in trouble." I whined.

Jungkook laughed, "Sorry that my boyfriend got you a bad secretary."

"Boyfriend? And hey I can hear you." Yoongi said.

I rolled my eyes probably for the millionth time and looked over at Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Hey, hoes, stop making out." I ordered.

Hoseok and Taehyung immediately stopped and went back to their places.

"You complain about me sleeping and all but you just called your co workers 'hoes'?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Everyone here are close friends besides you." I said.

"We could change that. Let's have a 'work' dinner after work with everyone here." Hoseok spoke up.

"No. Not with Yoongi." I spitted out.

"Wow, offensive much? I'm actually a pretty good guy when you get to know me." Yoongi said.

"You slack off too much!" I accidentally shouted causing Yoongi to smirk.

"You know what, let's have a 'work' dinner but Yoongi is paying to prove that he doesn't slack." Jimin came to a solution.

Yoongi thought for a bit, "Fine with me."

After work, at the restaurant. Everyone was paired off. Jin and Jungkook. Hoseok and Taehyung. Yoongi was sitting close to me because there was very little space in the booth. And Namjoon was there too since he's friends with us.

"Can you move over?" Yoongi looked over at me.

"If I move over anymore, I'll be on the floor." I spoke. Yoongi pushed Jimin over who fell off the booth causing everyone to laugh besides me.

"Bitch." I glared at Yoongi with a small smile.

"Thanks." Yoongi took a bite of my food.

The rest of the dinner, all 7 of us got a long. Laughed and talked and messed with each other.

Yoongi even paid for everyone.

"There, now that we seemed to have a good dinner, you'll be nice to me right?" Yoongi asked me after everyone already left.

"Depends. At work, if you slack off, no. But after work... Yeah, we could be friends." I smiled.

Yoongi shrugged, "Good enough."


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