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Yoongi's POV

It took all my guts to admit that I still like Jimin.

"Then why did you leave?" Jimin exclaimed angrily.

"I had to, to protect you. You got your job back and everything, right?" I told him.

"I told you a million times that all that stuff didn't matter to me! I'm so ready to break up with Haeil though because I care more about you more then him." That's when he shut himself up and I smirked.

"I know what I did was a mistake, I wish I can go back and change it all..." I admitted.

"Then try." Jimin said then there was a beep. He had hung up.

Jimin's POV

I had hung up because Haeil was at my door. It was time to say goodbye.

"Haeil..." I softly said.

He slowly walked towards me and collided our lips. I backed up, "No." I put a hand between our faces, "Not anymore."

"What the fucking hell is that supposed mean??" He exclaimed.

"I'm done with us." I stood up, telling the truth.

"Jimin, I was there for you when he wasn't." Haeil said.

"You're only using me cause you're lonely. I love Yoongi not you." I said harshly since I was sick of Haeil.


"Leave." I cut him off.

Luckily, he left. Not peacefully though. Haeil gave me a slap then left. Wow, a slap. So cliche.

I went quickly to my bathroom and washed my face. It stung really bad. Damn, he could slap hard.

The next day, I went to work and for some reason, Yoongi was there. Siting in his old spot.

"H-how are you here??" I stuttered.

"Well I know Namjoon. And surprisingly he ships us a lot so he let me come in." Yoongi explained.

"I ship you guys a lot too." Taehyung cooed from his desk.

"Shut up." I said.

"Thanks." Yoongi smiled.

"I don't feel like dealing with this. Just leave." I sighed, walking to my office.

"Why would I leave my own work? I'm not a slacker like I used to be." Yoongi smirked when I looked back, surprised.

"Yoongi hyung got rehired just this morning by Namjoon hyung." Jungkook chuckled.

My heart jolted. I was happy and scared. Happy because I'll see Yoongi almost every day. Scared because I made Yoongi seem like I didn't like him anymore.

"You know what, I miss the bossy Jimin." Yoongi smirked.

"Just do your work." I ordered. "You have a child to take care of, right?"

"Sh, they don't know that!" He shouted.

"Yes they do." I went into my office.

I heard a gasp as I went into my office which made me laugh. I really was happy that he was back after like six years.

The day went on like a normal day that would have been normal six years ago.

"Yoongi! Lift your head up! Don't sleep!" I shouted as I walked out of my office and smacked him with paper.

"I'm sorry." He scratched his head and started to type on his phone.

"Get off your phone." I snapped. "Namjoon could come in and see."

"I'm texting Hyoah."

"She's five though." I raised an eyebrow.

"She's using her mom's phone." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Say bye, you can see her later." I said.

"Alright." He put up his phone. "Wanna know something?"

"What?" I asked.

"I missed you... A lot."


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