3) It's A Creepy Shop, He's A Creepy Bloke

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Ft. Draught of Living Death

Lily's POV
Rufus Scrimgeour is the new Minister for Magic after everyone demanded Cornelius Fudge be removed from office and he has provided us with protective Ministry transport, with Aurors, to take us to King's Cross station. Bill and Fleur waved goodbye from the kitchen window, Charlie and Ant standing awkwardly side-by-side in the doorframe. Ron and Hermione went off to do prefect duties, while Harry, Em and I searched the train for a compartment, coming upon Luna, Neville and Dean, the latter I greeted with a hug and peck on the lips.

Shortly after, the train begins to move a ground of fourth-year girls appeared at our compartment, smiling and giggling, all clutching each other and pointing in at us, more so Harry and I. Finally, after a lot of pushing and shoving, a pale, dark-haired beauty opened the door and strutted in, flicking her long hair over her shoulder. "Hey Harry, Lily, my name's Romilda Vane." She cast brown eyes around and screwed up her face in disapproval. "Why don't you two come and sit with us? Better us than these losers."

Glancing at the others, I snuggled into Dean, causing him to wrap an arm around my waist and shook my head. "No thanks, Romilda, these lovely people are our friends."

She looked slightly crestfallen and turned around on her heal, retreating out the door, but quickly poked her head in, the same confident smile on her face. "Well, if you change your mind's, we'll be in the next carriage."

And with that, she closed the door and left us to blink after the group of grinning girls. Em's face was contorted in confusion. "What, was that all about?"

"No idea."

It didn't take long for Hermione and Ron to return, nor did it take long for Harry to divulge his theory that had been on his mind since that afternoon. "What was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet? And who were all those people? Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation."

I rolled my eyes and Luna handed me her copy of the Quibbler, the newspaper her father writes and sat back in the chair beside Harry. "Oh, stop it, Harry." Hermione scolded. "I know where you're going with this and the idea is absolutely ridiculous."

"I'm telling you it happened. He's one of them." Harry insisted.

"One of what?"

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater." Trust Hermione to put it bluntly to an oblivious Ron.

"You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with someone like Malfoy?"

"His name's Voldemort." Em and I sang, both flicking to the next page of our Quibblers, making Luna smirk slightly.

"Well, then what is he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry asked stupidly, but he did have the grace to send me a curious look.

"It's a creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke."

"Look, his father is a Death Eater, it only makes sense."

"Enough!" I shout, slapping the magazine onto the seat behind me as I stood, exiting the compartment. Before I could slam the door shut however I hear Dean mutter something along the line of 'Nice on, talking about him with her here.' and he followed me out into the corridor, gently shutting the door.

"Twin troubles, am I right?" Dean rolled his eyes, kissing me on the forehead.

I chuckled. "Yeah, well."

He took my hand and we went off to find Ginny, who was informing her boyfriend, Micheal Corner, about Wrackspurts, which were invisible creatures that float inside your ears and make your brain go fuzzy.

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