10) I Understand

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Ft. Harry and Ginny's first kiss!!!

Lily's POV
Harry was waiting outside the greenhouses as I approached, casually leaning against the wall. He glanced up as I approached and didn't take his eyes off me, watching me carefully. Halting in front of me, we watched each other carefully, after having avoided each other yesterday, neither of us had said anything to Em, Ron or Mione about it, we needed to know where we stood. Standing up straight, Harry opened the door to the greenhouse and held it open for me to enter before him and we took the free space beside Hermione and Ron. He had been let out of the hospital just this morning and was looking happy to be back in Hermione's good graces. 

Professor Sprout had assigned us to work in pairs to extract the precious pods the size of a grapefruit from the stump looking things that sat in the garden bed in front of us. Harry leant closer to me, eyeing our stump.

"It's a Snargaluff plant, Harry." I explained calmly, picking up a rod and poking the plant which sprang to life, it's thorny vines erupting from the dirt and trying to claw at my face.

"Oh." He blinked, cringing back. "I don't particularly want to go near it not going to lie."

We glanced over at Ron and Hermione who were wrestling with theirs that looked like it was getting the upper hand, the pair not getting anywhere to extracting their pods. "Mmmm, hand me your quill, Harry, would you?" I placed my hand out as he placed the feather in my hand.

Flipping it round so the feather was facing the stump I carefully jiggled the feather against the stump and it's angry vines instantly became slack and the stump started jerking away as it was tickled. The Snargaluff relaxed enough for Harry to whip his hand into its centre and pull out the required number of three pods. We turned to Ron and Hermione who both stood there gawking at us.

We packed up our things as the bell signalled the next class, which was Apparition. "Ready to practice the 'Three D's'?" Ron asked sarcastically, for he had yet to master the art of apparition.

The 'Three D's' was a method the apparition instructor, Wilkie Twycross, used to help us understand and practice apparating. "Not really."

"Oh, come on." Emma laughed. "It's easy!"


Harry found Luna and I sitting on a wide windowsill soaking up the sun. He ran so quickly towards us I thought for certain he would crash, but somehow he managed to stop in time, panting breathlessly in front of us. "Hey, Luna." He waved then turned to me. "Hey, Lil, can I borrow your Liquid Luck, please?"

"Yeah sure," I handed it over to him without hesitation. "What do you need it for?"

"I'm going to use it to get Slughorn to give me the memory." He exclaimed over his shoulder as he retreated.

"Okay, I guess." Waving after him and looking at a wide-eyed Luna. "But you only need a drop!" I thought about that declaration and shrugged, I could always brew another batch.

On our way back to the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor common rooms, Harry passed us with an enthusiastic wave and huge grin. "Hey, Lil! Hey, Luna!"

Blinking after him, I cleared my throat. "You know what Luna, I think I better go see how much he had."

She laughed at my departure and continued on her merry way. I came barrelling through the portrait hole to see Hermione and Ron seated together by the fire. "Just how much did you let my brother drink?"

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