Chapter Six

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Kaycee was furious!

How dared he use her like that just to get his own way? Admittedly It had been the best experience of her life and she had no doubt that any other man would never have compared but to take her virginity so callously just so that she would have no choice but to admit defeat was sinking to a new level even for him and it made her feel used and dirty.

It also made her realise that she had been right when she had suspected his reasons for marrying her may have had more to do with her father’s hotels than with drink. Didn’t this prove it? After all she knew of men like him, and a playboy like him would never give up control and would certainly never stay married to a stranger just because they had made a drunken mistake. No, he had planned this and now he was trying to force her to do what he wanted. Well, Kaycee was done with playing by everyone else’s rules. This was her game now and she had no intention of becoming someone’s dutiful wife, especially not an ass like Jake.


She ignored him, it might be childish putting her hands over her ears and pretending she couldn’t hear him but it made her feel better so that was exactly what she did. Closed her eyes and pretended that if she couldn’t see or hear him then he didn’t exist, just like the bogeyman. Although it had never worked when she tried it with her stepmother and it didn’t work now.

Jake simply broke open the door and barged his way right in just as he had with everything else in her life. The crash had her eyes opening wide in surprise and he stayed there a moment or two staring down at her like he had never seen her before, which she reminded herself he hadn’t until yesterday.

            “I’m sorry,” he said and Kaycee stared at him unsure that she had heard him right. Was the infamous Jake Wentworth actually apologising? She didn’t answer just continued to stare back at him, her green eyes huge and hurting as they surveyed him making him sigh and run a hand through his already mussed hair.

            “You’re sorry?” she said quietly, incredulously and he sighed again.

            “I didn’t mean that to sound how it did, back there,” he said as though that made it all better and Kaycee gave a harsh laugh that sounded strange even to her own ears as she hugged her knees close to her chest forgetting her near nakedness for the moment as she regarded him with tears in her eyes.

            “This isn’t going to work,” she told him firmly and Jake frowned at her unable to believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

            “It will work, Kaycee. We will work,” he told her firmly and she shook her head not bothering to move her hair when it fell over her face hiding her expression from him.

            “How can you say that? We should never have happened in the first place,” she told him and Jake sighed as he moved slightly closer but without making any sudden movements as though he was scared she may bolt from his touch.

            “Maybe, but we did. And I promise you Kaycee, we can make this work. A lot of people start off their marriage in a far worse place than we did and if they can make it work then I’m sure we can,” he suggested lightly as he ran a hand lightly down her chilled arm.

            “I don’t know. It sounds ridiculous. I mean who in their right mind gets married in Vegas and then actually makes a go of their marriage. We should just call this off right now and go our separate ways!” Kaycee informed him and Jake looked ready to spit fire. There was no way he was letting her go and not just because the thought of some other man touching her, taking pleasure from her body made him want to punch something.

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