Chapter Ten

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Jake really felt like the bastard she accused him of being. He was definitely the lowest of the low. Who blackmailed their wife in to staying with them? Apparently he did!

He didn’t know what it was about Kaycee that bought out his worst side, but for some reason he couldn’t help himself. He wanted her to be happy but he just couldn’t see how she could be happy without him. She would realise that they belonged together. He hoped she would realise that they belonged together!

Kaycee sat in one of the rooms staring out at the sea beyond the window, she had always loved the sea, had always found it soothing. How strange that the one time she needed that calmness Jake had bought to somewhere near the sea. It was just a coincidence, she told herself but it was still a really sweet coincidence. Even from this distance she could feel the calm washing over her, telling her that everything would be fine and that she would survive this.

It was there that Jake found her, he hadn’t even had to go searching for her but had instinctively known exactly where she was. She looked so sad that it was almost his undoing and he regretted putting her in this position and yet at the same time he loved what a beautiful picture she made laying there. She was so irresistible and if they had time he would have shown her just how irresistible he found her but instead he approached cautiously not sure whether she would be upset by what he was about to tell her.

            “You wanted something?” she asked and he noted the weariness in her voice, like she had given up and that tone broke something inside him.

            “I just thought it might be a good idea for us to go and visit my parents,” he suggested and she nodded slowly.

            “Right, of course. Because your father can’t give you his business until you show him your wife.” She acknowledged and he frowned for that had not been his intention at all.

            “That’s not…” he began trying to tell her that he wasn’t bothered about the business or about the money. He just wanted his parents to meet the woman he was going to spend his life with but she beat him to it.

            “It’s fine, we should go. Do I need to change?” she asked as she got slowly to her feet still with that defeated tone that made him want to shake her back to herself.

            “No, you look fine. Amazing actually!” he offered and she gave a curt nod as she exited ahead of him.

            “We should go then, we don’t need to keep them waiting. I’m sure they have more important things to do!” Kaycee said and he frowned at her. He highly doubted they had anything more important to do than meet the one woman who had turned his whole world upside down.

The journey was conducted in silence as Kaycee feigned sleep rather than talk to him and he worried the whole journey about how he was treating her. Was he wrong to want her to be with him? Maybe he should just let her go and hope that she came to her senses, but then what if she didn’t? It was all so confusing!

And so both of them stayed silent both in deep thought, both worrying about the future and what it held for them.

As they pulled up outside a small cottage Kaycee frowned out the window. It was a picturesque little place but not somewhere that she ever imagined the Wentworth’s would live.

            “This is where your parents live?” she asked stunned and he nodded.

            “Yep, all their lives. My mom loves this cottage. Don’t get her started on it, she has a million stories about the place and she can’t stop once she starts,” he warned and Kaycee gave a small smile. She didn’t know what she had been expecting but this was certainly not it.

His Unexpected MarriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz