Chapter Thirteen

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Kaycee awoke suddenly with her heart beating fast as she glanced around wondering what was making her feel so lost. Her gaze settled on the emptiness of the other side of her bed and she relaxed back with a glance at the clock.

It was only 5am which meant that she’d had all of two hours sleep. How was it that after three days with Jake she could barely function alone? Normally she had no trouble sleeping but tonight she’d laid there for hours trying to sleep, shifting position to get comfortable and finding that sleep was never further away and now here she was wide awake and wishing he was there beside her.

            “Dammit!” she swore as she shifted position once again but to no avail and with a growl of frustration Kaycee threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. Maybe a bit of exercise would help her relax, she decided and after dressing hurriedly she left the apartment to go for a run.

Jake had not had a good night!

He had decided that it would be a show of good faith for him to give his wife what she wanted but had regretted it almost immediately after leaving her. It had led to an almost sleepless night and he had awoken wishing she was beside him.

Now here he was at her father’s house to sign over some money to save his failing hotels and all he could think of was how much he was missing her. He didn’t think he had it in him to go another night without her and he really hoped that it wouldn’t come to that.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to see how she was this morning, maybe she had rethought this whole staying apart thing.

Making the decision Jake grabbed his phone before he could change his mind and called her just wanting to hear her soft voice.

The phone rang as Kaycee got out the shower and she raced in to the hallway almost slipping on her hardwood floor before she grabbed it up.

            “Hello?” she said sounding breathier than usual.

            “Kaycee?” came the deep drawl from the other side and Kaycee felt a smile cross her face at the sound of his voice.

            “Jake, what a surprise,” she said wishing more than ever that she hadn’t sent him away last night.

            “I just wanted to see how you were. Did you sleep well?” he asked and she hesitated. Should she tell the truth and admit that she’d had the worst night’s sleep ever because she missed him too much or should she stick to her guns and stay it out hoping that tonight would be better.

            “I slept fine. You?” she asked deciding that she didn’t want to admit defeat just yet.

            “I missed you,” he murmured and Kaycee blushed as she thought about what they could have been doing right now instead of being miles apart and miserable.

            “I missed you too. But I have to get to work so I’m going to have to see you later,” Kaycee replied as she glanced at the clock to discover that she was nearly late already.

            “I’ll see you soon!” Jake promised and then all he heard was the dial tone as she left, presumably to get ready for work.

Well that hadn’t gone entirely to plan, he thought with a curse. She was supposed to be begging him to come back right now not moving on as though nothing had happened. How could she be acting so normal when he felt like his whole life had been turned upside down in the last few days?

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