Chapter Twenty

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"This is it?" Jake asked his gaze hard and unyielding as he stared down the man opposite him who despite his large frame was practically shaking under it.

"That was all I could get, she's being careful to cover her tracks," the man insisted shifting beneath his gaze while Jake frowned down at the documents and pictures spread out before him.

Each one depicted his wife going about her new life and his eyes narrowed on her betraying little face. All the information he had gathered on her in the two months since she had vanished from his bed suggested that his lying little wife was not as innocent as she had pretended.

"It should be enough!" Jake informed him as he glanced across at the information he had gathered about her family.

"I take it you'll be handling things from here?" the man asked feeling sorry for the girl who was on the wrong side of Jake.

"Your services are no longer needed," Jake confirmed waiting only until he had left before snatching up the phone and instructing his driver to bring round the car.

Once he had replaced the receiver Jake frowned down at the pictures once again. Every one of them showed Kaycee glancing nervously around with shadows under her eyes and it was obvious that she was not taking care of herself. Equally obvious was the secret that she had been keeping from him. All it had taken was one phone call and he had discovered that his wife had been seeing a doctor who had confirmed she was pregnant.

His lips tightened at the thought of that traitorous little witch carrying his child and denying him the opportunity to be a part of it's life. Well, that was all about to change. Kaycee had no idea what she had let herself in for!

Kaycee wearily removed her apron and brushed a shaking hand through her hair. She was absolutely exhausted. Working twelve hour shifts at the café where she had found a job waitressing meant that Kaycee was always on her feet and being pregnant and constantly working was hard work. Most nights she could do little more than drag herself home through the dark streets before collapsing on her bed in an exhausted sleep.

Tonight though she hadn't even had that option and after working all day in the café Kaycee had also agreed to work a party. It had been exhausting but finally her part of the night was over. Or so she thought. Until on her way to get her coat the boss's son caught hold of her and spun her round to face him.

"Where you going beautiful?" he slurred and Kaycee fought not to gag at the smell of alcohol that was coming off him.

"Home Marco," she said as she tried to extricate herself from his grip but he refused to let go and instead pulling her closer moving his hands from her waist slowly downwards over the short black dress she had been forced to wear.

"Aren't you going to give the birthday boy a kiss?" he demanded forcing his mouth on hers and Kaycee struggled but to no avail.

"Doesn't this look cosy?" demanded a mocking male voice and Marco released her as they both turned to find Jake glaring down at them.

"Whothehellareyou?" Marco tried to demand not making much sense as his alcohol addled brain refused to obey him.

"Jake!" Kaycee gasped out wide-eyed and distraught as she gazed at the man she had left two months ago. Marco cast her a look at her shocked gasp and then with a shrug he ambled off in search of more beer leaving the two of them alone.

"Fancy seeing you here my cheating little wife," Jake said as he stepped closer, his eyes narrowed on her pale face.

"How did you find me?" she asked trying to fight off the wave of dizziness that threatened.

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