Chapter Three

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Regrettably, she knew that was the worst mistake she had imposed on herself without a doubt. His voice sounded like a nut coated with chocolate; ironic considering he's a guy. Something about his voice penetrated right through her. She could visualise him, tall, perhaps dark-haired and the classic look of an incredible looking guy. Or maybe she was wrong, what if his voice didn't suit his demeanour. What if, she'd meet this guy and he'd drag her into the back of his van whilst she screamed and kicked begging to be set free. Claire rolled her eyes; she needed to stop with the great deal of thrillers, and get her head out of the clouds.


As light bounced through the silt of the blind, Claire didn't just grumble on incessantly but rightfully screamed into the pillow. Last night she had gone to bed late instantly regretting her choice to stay up reading that book. The book wasn't even good to her standards; a cliché about some woman falling in love with someone who treats her better than her husband. The romance was awful, she could remember pulling a face as the protagonist fainted into her lover's arms just because he'd tucked back a long strand of hair behind his ear. Of course the lover had to be obnoxiously attractive; mane of long, tousled brown hair and bronze-tanned chest. Claire couldn't see how the book sold millions of copies; there was barely any chemistry between them and the sex dragged on. And the author overstressed the conflict between the protagonist and the husband that she couldn't understand why the one hadn't killed the other. But despite her rant upon the book, it didn't help that she'd read the entire book till three in the morning. Next she'd have to read a thriller or horror, hopefully that would scare her so she couldn't read anymore and would have to go to sleep.

Claire kicked her legs out sighing with a huff as she glanced up to the white ceiling of her room. It would be effort now to walk towards the kitchen, put the kettle on and then grab the milk out the fridge. Her conscience grumbled on for her as she got out of bed, grabbed her reading glasses and headed out from the comfort of her room. Her glasses were black-rimmed and hardly ever got accustomed with her nose so they sat onto the bedside table collecting dust. She put on her glasses as she entered the kitchen, her naked feet padding across the floor as she headed to the kettle. Once again she sat in silence only to the sound of her teeth munching on the cereal she had become to know day-to-day with.

Today, she had gone with a navy blue formal dress matched with black heels; the clod of her heels against the concrete pavement as she stepped off the bus. Ahead she looked up in misery towards the skyscraper wanting nothing more than to turn back onto the bus and head home to indulge in the land of sleep. Darren as she expected was standing in reception once again reading through the magazines as Claire entered inside.

"I swear those are outdated." Claire commented just as she approached him. Darren glanced up throwing the magazine down onto the pile, "Probably, you seem a little better this morning." He replied allowing Claire to tuck her arm through his.

"Just if no-one mentions or breathes the word, Monica. I don't want to be reminded about yesterday." Claire said, shuddering at the thought.

Darren smiled softly at the moment they entered the lift. "Honey, you know that was yours for the taking." Then he muttered. "Honey, I'd rather you weren't placed next to that pervert. Monica has the joy of sharing an office with him."

Claire laughed, "Thanks. Let's not go any further than that."

Darren took to on his heel pulling Claire along as they came out onto their floor thankful the other few passengers in the lift weren't from their floor and had no way of sourcing out about who they were talking about. Much to her dismay, a group of people still continued to huddle around Monica celebrating as if she just received her promotion all-over again. Although like Darren had mentioned, it would be relief to know if Monica barely made appearance into the workplace and remained with heaps of work in her office. But what was the chances of that? You couldn't get rid of that girl even if you tried.

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